Tests infrastructure with Simulation and Emulation

In the area of High Performance Computing HPC the evaluation of a Resource Management System RMS is a very complex task. A known idea is to take advantage of workload traces and provide a platform to replay past scenarios using different scheduling strategies, features and even different RMS software etc.

In the case of OAR Resource Management System the research group has developed a collection of tools in Ruby represented by the project xionee [1] to simplify the management of workload traces (DB collection, export in known workload formats [2], automatic resubmission, graphic visualization of execution scenarios, etc )

The goal of this project is the development of a complete simulating/emulating platform, based upon the above tools, that will serve as a testing infrastructure for RMS systems


  1. “Parallel workload archives”: http://www.cs.huji.ac.il/labs/parallel/workload/


  • Yiannis Georgiou
  • Olivier Richard
wiki/old/gsoc_proposal_test_infrastructure.txt · Last modified: 2013/07/10 20:55 by
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