Student and mentor ;), please read carefully this page…

Student: Jean-Pierre POUTCHEU

Mentor: Bruno Bzeznik

Co-Mentor: Olivier Richard

Student: Things to do before starting

  • <s>Subscribe to oar commits mailing list</s>
  • <s>Play with Kameleon (generate a OAR/Debian appliance)</s>
  • <s>Practice OAR RESTfull API (using the OAR appliance)</s>

Project Specification

(add details here)

  • Take a look at Mason+mod_perl to optimize the API

Pagination specifications

  • List of current jobs
  • with pagination options
  • hasmap data structure
   items ==> jobs results (hashmap if structure = oar, table if structure = simple)
   page ==> current page number in the results list, used in the next and previous links generation
   limit ==> limit value (this value overwrite the value defined in the OAR file config)
   [[next_url_link|==> the next url link]]   e.g. "/jobs.(yaml|json|html)?start_id=X&page=3"
   [[previous_url_link|==> the previous url link]]  e.g. "/jobs.(yaml|json|html)?start_id=X&page=1"
   'next_url_link' and 'previous_url_link' may be absent
  • struct methods :
    struct_job_list(jobs, structure, previous_url_link, next_url_link)
    struct_job_list_details(jobs, structure, previous_url_link, next_url_link)
    'previous_url_link' and 'next_url_link' will be added as parameters

Pagination specifications (Bruno version)

Every data structure returned by the API should be wrapped into this hash table:

  • In the case a collection is returned (array or hash):
 items ==> query results (hashmap if structure = oar, table if structure = simple)
 limit ==> limit value (this value overwrite the value defined in the OAR file config)
 offset ==> id at which the listing started
 total ==> total number of items
 links ==> array of hash describing useful links: href => <uri> , rel => <self|parent|...>
  We know that we have a next page if :
    (# of items) + offset < total
  or if there's a link->rel=="next"
  • In the case a simple element is returned:
 links ==> array of hash describing useful links: href => <uri> , rel => <self|parent|...>

Specific case of the jobs uri (as an example of an uri that needs pagination):

  • Uri
  GET /jobs[[/details|/table]].(yaml|json|html)?[[from=<FROM>]]&[to=<TO>]&[[state=<STATE>]]&[offset=<ID>]&[[limit=<LIMIT>]]
  • Input parameters:
  FROM: From unix timestamp
  TO: To unix timestamp
  STATE: List of possible states (ex: Running,Waiting,Finishing,Launching)
  ID: the first id to be listed. Jobs are listed from this id until LIMIT is reached
  LIMIT: if more than LIMIT jobs satisfy the query, stop when this LIMIT is reach

input/output Examples

  • GET /jobs.yaml?from=1274096990&to=1276688990&limit=2 (or GET /jobs.yaml?from=1274096990&to=1276688990 && $API_NUMBER_ITEMS_LIMIT=2 into oar.conf)
   - api_timestamp: 1276689144
     id: 11
     name: ~
     owner: kameleon
     queue: default
     state: Running
     submission: 1276689106
       - href: /jobs/11
         rel: self
       - href: /jobs/11/resources
         rel: resources
   - api_timestamp: 1276689144
     id: 12
     name: ~
     owner: kameleon
     queue: default
     state: Running
     submission: 1276689109
       - href: /jobs/12
         rel: self
       - href: /jobs/12/resources
         rel: resources
 total: 5
 offset: 0
   - href: /jobs.yaml?from=1274096990&to=1276688990&limit=2
     rel: self
   # Optional:
   - href: /jobs.yaml?from=1274096990&to=1276688990&limit=2&offset=2
     rel: next
  • GET /jobs.yaml?from=1274096990&to=1276688990&limit=2&offset=2
   - api_timestamp: 1276689144
     id: 13
     name: ~
     owner: kameleon
     queue: default
     state: Running
     submission: 1276689106
   - api_timestamp: 1276689144
       - href: /jobs/13
         rel: self
       - href: /jobs/13/resources
         rel: resources
     id: 14
     name: ~
     owner: kameleon
     queue: default
     state: Running
     submission: 1276689109
       - href: /jobs/14
         rel: self
       - href: /jobs/14/resources
         rel: resources
 total: 5
 offset: 2
   - href: /jobs.yaml?from=1274096990&to=1276688990&limit=2&offset=2
     rel: self
   # Optional:
   - href: /jobs.yaml?from=1274096990&to=1276688990&limit=2&offset=4
     rel: next
   - href: /jobs.yaml?from=1274096990&to=1276688990&limit=2&offset=0
     rel: prev
  • GET /jobs.yaml?from=1274096990&to=1276688990&limit=2&offset=4
   - api_timestamp: 1276689144
     id: 15
     name: ~
     owner: kameleon
     queue: default
     state: Running
     submission: 1276689106
       - href: /jobs/15
         rel: self
       - href: /jobs/15/resources
         rel: resources
 total: 5
 offset: 4
   - href: /jobs.yaml?from=1274096990&to=1276688990&limit=2&offset=4
     rel: self
   # Optional:
   - href: /jobs.yaml?from=1274096990&to=1276688990&limit=2&offset=2
     rel: prev

Default uri parameters

  • In oar.conf:
 # Maximum default number of items
 # Default parameters for the /jobs uri
 # if a "&limit=" is given, the $API_NUMBER_ITEMS_LIMIT is ignored for this uri

Oaradmin api specifications

Admission rules

;<s>GET /admission_rules</s>

list admissions rules

;<s>GET /admission_rules/<id></s>

list the admission rule #id:
 id: 1
 rule: |
       code line 1
       code line 2
    - href ======

;<s>PUT /admission_rules</s>

create a new admission rule
  rule: |
       code line 1
       code line 2

;<s>POST /admission_rules</s>

create a new admission rule (for browsers compatibility)
 method: put
 rule: |
       code line 1
       code line 2

;<s>DELETE /admission_rules/<id></s>

delete an admission rule

;<s>POST /admission_rules/<id></s>

delete an admission rule (for browsers compatibility)
  method: delete
erase an admission rule
  rule: |
       code line 1
       code line 2

Resources creation

  • POST /resources/generate.(yaml|json|html)
  <s>param  = '-a /node=node1 -p memnode=1024 -p cpufreq=3.2 -p cputype=xeon'</s>
  resources: '/node=node{4}/cpu={2}/core={2}'
            memnode: 1024
            cpufreq: '3.2'
            cputype: 'xeon'
     - hostname : node1
       properties :
             - memnode : 1024
               cpufreq : 3.2
               cputype : xeon
       .... </s>  
      - hostname : node1
        properties :
                   cpu: 1
                   core: 1
                   cpuset: 0
                   memnode : 1024
                   cpufreq : 3.2
                   cputype : xeon
      - hostname : node1
        properties :
                   cpu: 1
                   core: 2
                   cpuset: 1
                   memnode : 1024
                   cpufreq : 3.2
                   cputype : xeon
 links : 
       - rel : create
         method : post
         url : /resources
       - rel : self
         method : post
         url : /resources/generate

Configuration variables (oar.conf)

; <s>GET /config.(yaml|json|html)</s>

Get all the configuration variables
 #Example output:
  DB_TYPE: 'mysql'
  DB_HOSTNAME: 'localhost'
  DB_PORT: '3306'

; <s>GET /config/<variable_name>.(yaml|json|html)</s>

Get a variable
 # Example query:
  GET /config/DB_TYPE.yaml
 # output:
  DB_TYPE: 'mysql'
  api_timestamp: 1278574909
       - rel: set
         method: post
         url: /config/DB_TYPE
       - rel: self
         method: get
         url: /config/DB_TYPE

; <s>POST /config/<variable_name>.(yaml|json|html)</s>

Set a variable
 # example QUERY
  POST /config/DB_TYPE.yaml
 # example POSTDATA
  value: "mysql"

; <s>POST /config.(yaml|json|html)</s>

Set all the configuration variables
 # example QUERY
  POST /config.yaml
 # example POSTDATA
  DB_TYPE: 'mysql'
  DB_HOSTNAME: 'localhost'
  DB_PORT: '3306'

Do we make checks??? Mandatory variables; types; syntax;?

Main Milestones


TODO list



  • OAR Admin specification (URLs, input/output,…)
wiki/old/gsoc_2010_oaradmin_api.txt · Last modified: 2013/07/10 20:55 by
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