Emulating a Grid'5000 OAR setup

This setup fakes the boot stages (post-deploy or standby) with at commands.

It uses oar-docker.

On the host

Start the oar-docker cluster from within a oar git clone.

  • cd …/oar
  • oardocker -v$PWD:/mnt -n 20

On the frontend container

  • connect from the host to the frontend container:
 $ oardocker connect frontend
  • setup the atd service:
 $ apt-get install -y at
 $ /etc/init.d/atd start
  • setup epilogue in file /etc/oar/epilogue:
# Usage:
# Script is run under uid of oar who is sudo
# argv[1] is the jobid
# argv[2] is the user's name
# argv[3] is the file which contains the list of nodes used
# argv[4] is the job walltime in seconds
exec 1> /tmp/epilogue.$1.log
exec 2>&1
set -x
# simulate the boot of the nodes with an at command -> put the node Alive asynchronously. 
for n in $(uniq $3); do 
  nodes="$nodes -h $n"
  echo "bash -xc '$OARNODESETTINGCMD -h $n -s Alive -p available_upto=2147483646' > /tmp/oarnodesetting.$1.$n 2>&1" | at now +1 minute;
#$OARNODESETTINGCMD $nodes -s Absent -p available_upto=0
# set the nodes down, using the command used on g5k:
$OARNODESETTINGCMD -n -s Absent -p available_upto=0 --sql "resource_id IN (select assigned_resources.resource_id from jobs,assigned_resources,resources where assigned_resource_index = 'CURRENT' AND jobs.state = 'Running' AND jobs.job_id = $1 and moldable_job_id = jobs.assigned_moldable_job AND (resources.resource_id = assigned_resources.resource_id AND resources.type='default'))"
exit 0
  • Changes to drawgantt-svg
--- /mnt/sources/visualization_interfaces/DrawGantt-SVG/drawgantt-config.inc.php2015-10-22 00:26:56.132034018 +0200
+++ /etc/oar/drawgantt-config.inc.php	2015-10-21 23:43:25.228911673 +0200
@@ -71,10 +71,10 @@
   'network_address' => '/^([^.]+)\..*$/',
 $CONF['label_cmp_regex'] = array( // substring selection regex for comparing and sorting labels (resources)
-  'network_address' => '/^([^-]+)-(\d+)\..*$/',
+  'network_address' => '/^([^-]+)(\d+)$/',
 $CONF['resource_properties'] = array( // properties to display in the pop-up on top of the resources labels (on the left)
-  'deploy', 'cpuset', 'besteffort', 'network_address', 'type', 'drain');
+  'deploy', 'cpuset', 'besteffort', 'network_address', 'type', 'drain', 'state', 'available_upto');
 $CONF['resource_hierarchy'] = array( // properties to use to build the resource hierarchy drawing
@@ -156,7 +156,7 @@
 // Standby job display options for the part shown in the future
-$CONF['standby_truncate_state_to_now'] = 1; // default: 1
+$CONF['standby_truncate_state_to_now'] = 0; // default: 1
 // Besteffort job display options for the part shown in the future
 $CONF['besteffort_truncate_job_to_now'] = 1; // default: 1
 $CONF['besteffort_pattern'] = <<<EOT

On the server container

  • connect from the host to the OAR server container:
 $ oardocker connect server
  • apply changes to oar.conf: set cosystem frontend, epilogue, energy saving
  • we use the cosystem type instead of deploy (or we need to add a deploy preoperty)
--- /root/oar.conf      2015-10-21 22:45:52.973104493 +0200
+++ /etc/oar/oar.conf   2015-10-21 22:44:05.752902069 +0200
@@ -63,10 +63,10 @@
 # Specify where we are connected with a job of the deploy type
 # Specify where we are connected with a job of the cosystem type
 # Specify the database field to use to fill the file on the first node of the
 # job in $OAR_NODE_FILE (default is 'network_address'). Only resources with
@@ -197,8 +197,8 @@
 # Files to execute before and after each job on the first computing node
 # (by default nothing is executed)
 # Set the timeout for the prologue and epilogue execution on the OAR server
@@ -374,16 +374,16 @@
 # Parameter for the scheduler to decide when a node is idle.
 # Number of seconds since the last job was terminated on nodes
 # Parameter for the scheduler to decide if a node will have enough time to sleep.
 # Number of seconds before the next job
 # Parameter for the scheduler to know when a node has to be woken up before the
 # beginning of the job when a reservation is scheduled on a resource on this node
 # Number of seconds for a node to wake up
 # When OAR scheduler wants some nodes to wake up then it launches this command
 # and puts on its STDIN the list of nodes to wake up (one hostname by line).
@@ -415,26 +415,26 @@
 # - the launching of wakeup/shutdown commands can be windowized to prevent
 #   from electric peeks 
 # Possible values are "yes" and "no"
 # Path to the script used by the energy saving module to wake up nodes. 
 # This command is executed from the oar server host.
 # OAR puts the node list on its STDIN (one hostname by line).
 # The scheduler looks at the available_upto field in the resources table to know
 # if the node will be started for enough time.
 # Path to the script used by the energy saving module to shut down nodes.
 # This command is executed from the oar server host.
 # OAR puts the node list on its STDIN (one hostname by line).
 # Timeout to consider a node broken (suspected) if it has not woken up
 # The value can be an integer of seconds or a set of pairs.
 # For example, "1:500 11:1000 21:2000" will produce a timeout of 500
 # seconds if 1 to 10 nodes have to wakeup, 1000 seconds if 11 t 20 nodes
 # have to wake up and 2000 seconds otherwise.
+ENERGY_SAVING_NODE_MANAGER_WAKEUP_TIMEOUT="1:200 81:400 161:600 241:800"
 # You can set up a number of nodes that must always be on. You can use the 
 # syntax in the examples if you want a number of alive nodes of different types
@@ -457,7 +457,7 @@
 # Possible values are "yes" and "no"
 # When set to "yes", the list of nodes to wake up or shut down is passed to 
 # Time in second between execution of each window.
 # Minimum is 0 to set no delay between each window.
@@ -471,7 +471,7 @@
 # The energy saving module can be automatically restarted after reaching
 # this number of cycles. This is a workaround for some DBD modules that do 
 # not always free memory correctly.
  • apt-get install -y at
  • /etc/init.d/atd start
  • add energy saving script


# Sample script for energy saving (wake-up)
DATE=$(date +%F_%T)
# stdout/err goes to oar.log
set -x
# simulate the boot time with an at command: will set the node Alive asynchronously
while read n; do
  for nn in $n; do
    echo "bash -xc 'echo $DATE; $OARNODESETTINGCMD -h $nn -s Alive -p available_upto=2147483646' > /tmp/wake-up.$DATE.$n 2>&1" | at now +1 minute;


# Sample script for energy saving (shut-down)
# stdout/err goes to oar.log 
set -x
# Nothing really needed here
while read n; do
  for nn in $n; do
    echo shutting down $n
wiki/oardocker_setup_for_grid_5000.txt · Last modified: 2020/03/31 13:42 by neyron
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