Obviously, we do not want to push to Debian's FTP.

We push to oar-ftp using scp.

oar-ftp is behind the LIG's firewall so having a LIG account is required.

Also, access to the ftpmaster account must be enable (your SSH key must be added to the ftpmaster account).

When all that is in place, the following dput configuration should work.

cat <<EOF >~/.dput.cf
default_host_main = oar-ftp
fqdn = oar-ftp.imag.fr.lig
login = ftpmaster
method = scp
incoming = /home/ftpmaster/incoming
allow_unsigned_uploads = no
run_lintian = no

Also make sure to have your GPG identity matches the name you use inside packages (and in git…)

wiki/dput_setup.txt · Last modified: 2021/03/31 15:32 by neyron
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