Slurm's “srun” runs a given command (or script) on a reserved set of resources, ties stdout and stderr to those of the parent process, and exits with the exit code of the called script.

e.g. you can do

   srun make

It's great for batch scripts that run on the frontend.

The following script mimics that behavior with OAR:

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Credits to Emmanuel Thomé and Pierre Neyron
# Usage: [[oar args]] -- [[child command]]
# If no oar args are needed, [[child command]] works.
# By default stdout and stderr are not saved (just printed), but that can
# be adjusted with -O and -E.
# The command is run on $PWD remotely, at least if that directory exist.
# BUG: if $PWD does not exist remotely, the error message is totally
# unhelpful, as the command complains about some /dev/cpuset being
# absent. This is explained by the fact that the job is within its exit
# sequence by the time we do oarsh.
set -e
while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do
    if [ "$1" = "--" ] ; then shift; break; fi
    oar_args=("${oar_args[@]}" "$1")
if [ $# -eq 0 ] ; then
    while [ $# -gt 0 ] ; do
        if [ "$1" = "--" ] ; then shift; break; fi
        child=("${child[@]}" "$1")
control=`mktemp -d /tmp/oarrun.XXXXXXXXXX`
on_exit() {
  [ -n "$OAR_JOB_ID" ] && oardel $OAR_JOB_ID
  rm -rf $control
trap on_exit EXIT
echo "\$@" > /dev/stderr
echo "\$@" >> /tmp/oarlog
echo \$1 > $FIFO
chmod 755 $NOTIFY_SCRIPT
mkfifo $FIFO
exec 3<>$FIFO
# -O and -E can be overridden by the user in the oar_args
oarsub -O /dev/null -E /dev/null "${oar_args[@]}" "sleep 99999d" --notify "[RUNNING]exec:$NOTIFY_SCRIPT"
read -u 3 OAR_JOB_ID
export OAR_JOB_ID
echo "Job $OAR_JOB_ID is running."
LEADER=$(oarstat -fj $OAR_JOB_ID | grep assigned_hostnames | cut -d\= -f2 | cut -d\+ -f1)
# In the same way oarsub does, we expect oarrun to preserve the current
# directory. Note that if $PWD does not exist remotely, oarsub will fail
# miserably, and we have practically zero chance to survive, so trapping
# errors is useless.
# The full oarsh command line is run as a bash command, so we're allowed
# to put arbitrary bash code in there. And this is what we need to do if
# we wish to avoid an extraneous level of quoting for command with
# special characters (i.e. with this, ls 'a\ b' works as
# intended).
oarsh -t $LEADER cd "$PWD" \; "${child[@]}"
wiki/an_equivalent_to_slurm_s_srun_for_oar.txt · Last modified: 2017/09/14 12:55 by neyron
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