Bugfix: /var/lib/oar/.bash_oar was empty due to an error in the common setup script.
Bugfix: the PINGCHECKER_COMMAND in oar.conf depends now on OARDIR.
Bug #13939: the job_resource_manager.pl and job_resource_manager_cgroups.pl now deletes the user files in /tmp, /var/tmp and /dev/shm at the end of the jobs.
Bugfix: in oardodo.c, the preprocessed variables was not defined correclty.
Finaud: fix race condition when there was a PINGCHECKER error jsut before another problem. The node became Alive again when the PINGCHECKER said OK BUT there was another error to resolve.
Bugfix: The feature CHECK_NODES_WITH_RUNNING_JOB=yes never worked before.
Speedup monika (X5).
Monika: Add the conf max_cores_per_line to have several lines if the number of cores are too big.
Minor changes into
API: added cmd_output into POST /jobs.
API: Added GET /select_all?query=<query> (read only mode).
Add the field “array_index” into the jobs table. So that resubmit a job from an array will have the right array_index anvironment variable.
oarstat: order the output by job_id.
Speedup oarnodes.
Fix a spelling error in the oaradmin manpage.
Bugfix #14122 : the oar-node init.d script wasn't executing start_oar_node/stop_oar_node during the 'restart' action.
Allow the dash character into the –notify “exec:…” oarsub option.
Remove some old stuffs from the tarball:
Fix some licence issues.