Mailing lists

The OAR community exchanges information mainly through one mailing list, hosted by Inria's Sympa.

The oar-users mailing list targets users of OAR: people who download, install, administrate and use OAR.

Therefore, it typically targets admins of platforms managed with OAR, but also simple OAR users who care about non-platform-specific (i.e. generic) questions.

To receive announces about new OAR versions, participate in discussions, and so on, please subscribe to the oar-users@ mailing list.

Development team

Core OAR-team members

  • Bruno Bzeznik
  • Nicolas Capit
  • Pierre Neyron
  • Olivier Richard
  • Vincent Danjean

Former members

  • Salem Harrache
  • Michael Mercier
  • Philippe Lebrouster
  • Joseph Emeras

To contact the OAR team for research projects or partnerships, please contact Olivier Richard or Pierre Neyron.

How to contribute

OAR is an Open-Source project. You are very welcome to become a contributor.

To do so, several options:

  • subscribe to the oar-users@ mailing list (see above), and help answering questions of other users, share ideas, etc
  • create your account on this site and request a contributor access from the oar-team (see above) in order to help with the documentation
  • provide pull requests on github, at

Research projects

OAR is developed within the following research projects:


OAR developement is mainly sponsored by Laboratoire d'Informatique de Grenoble, France.


And the following research institutes and universities.

contacts.txt · Last modified: 2021/07/28 12:52 by bjonglez
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