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Build your own OAR cluster with docker

oar-docker is a set of docker images especially configured for deploying your own OAR cluster. The main idea is to have a mini development cluster with a frontend, a server and some nodes that launch in just a few seconds on a simple laptop.

OAR-docker's repository is hosted on github: It's currently in active development, but feel free to clone it and give it a try !

Why use OAR-docker ?

Various case scenarios may affect you:

  • Quickly test OAR on a cluster
  • Gain time: a ten-node cluster (or more) is launched in just a few seconds and is cleaned in less than a second.
  • Save resources: docker allows the user to pool the node between various systems, resource utilization is thus considerably reduced.
  • Synced volume : allowing you to continue working on your host machine, but use the resources in the guest machine to compile or run your project.



  • python 2.7
  • docker >= 1.3

You can install, upgrade, uninstall oar-docker with these commands:

$ pip install oar-docker
$ pip install --upgrade oar-docker
$ pip uninstall oar-docker

Or from git (last development version):

$ pip install git+

Or if you already pulled the sources:

$ pip install path/to/sources

Or if you want to install in the python user context (in your home directory), add the '–user' option to all pip commands:

pip install --user oar-docker

Or if you don't have pip:

$ easy_install oar-docker


Usage: oardocker [OPTIONS] COMMAND1 [ARGS]... [COMMAND2 [ARGS]...]...
  Manage a small OAR developpement cluster with docker.

  --workdir DIRECTORY   Changes the folder to operate on.
  --docker-host TEXT    The docker socket [default:unix://var/run/docker.sock]
  --cgroup-path TEXT    The cgroup file system path [default: /sys/fs/cgroup]
  --docker-binary TEXT  The docker client binary [default: docker]
  --version             Show the version and exit.
  -h, --help            Show this message and exit.

  build       Build base images
  clean       Remove all stopped containers and untagged...
  connect     Connect to a node.
  destroy     Stop containers and remove all images
  init        Initialize a new environment.
  install     Install and configure OAR from src
  logs        Fetch the logs of all containers.
  ssh         Connect to machine via SSH [deprecated]
  ssh-config  Output OpenSSH valid ssh config [deprecated]
  start       Create and start the containers
  status      Output status of the cluster
  stop        Stop and remove all containers

Getting started

To get started with oar-docker, the first thing to do is to initialize a project:

$ oardocker init

If you already have OAR sources, the best is to initialize directly the oardocker project in the OAR sources directory:

$ cd path/to/oar/src
$ oardocker init

You have to do this only once. It allows you to import the Dockerfiles and other configuration files. We then launch the base image build:

$ oardocker build

Now, we have to install OAR. To do this, several options are available. If you already have the OAR sources:

$ oardocker install .   ## ou . est le chemin vers les sources de OAR

Or if you want to install from tarball:

$ oardocker install

You can also launch the installation from a git repository:

$ oardocker install git+

We start a OAR cluster with 5 nodes:

$ oardocker start -n 5

It is possible to share directories between host machines and all containers with the -v option:

$ oardocker start -v $PWD:/oar_src -v /my/custom/lib:/usr/local/ma_lib

To manage the cluster:

$ oardocker connect frontend|server|nodeXX
$ oardocker logs [frontend|server|nodeXX]

To clean:

$ oardocker stop  ## stops and removes all containers
$ oardocker clean  ## removes all stopped containers (failed) and the untagged images <none:none>
$ oardocker destroy  ## removes all images and containers

With oar-docker, it is possible to chain all commands to go faster:

$ oardocker init -f build install oar-2.5.4+rc4.tar.gz start -n 4 connect -l root frontend

For instance, to develop on OAR, we often need to install OAR, start the cluster and connect to it:

$ oardocker install $PWD start -n 10 -v $PWD:/home/docker/oar_src connect frontend

One last thing to know. The stop command is automatically launched before every start, install and build … If we launch multiple times the last command, we will always obtain the same result. It can be useful to experiment and develop (even) faster.


oar-docker is a development project and a testing one. It is in no way secure. Besides, the private ssh key used is also insecured since it is public (you can find it in the sources).

wiki/oar-docker.1582045117.txt.gz · Last modified: 2020/02/18 17:58 by auguste
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