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This page gathers general information about OAR's performances and theirs enhancements.

  • Evalys a wiki with information and tools for experimental performance evaluation of computing infrastructures (upto HPC oriented)


  • Add default properties to job hit performance due to one request SQL against resources table fired per job (schedulers should implement SQL request result cache).

Specifics Points

Use of DB indexes

  • In ocaml-scheduler: waiting job retrieves request use several CURRENT selection in WHERE clause, not in perl schedulers
     moldable_job_descriptions.moldable_index = 'CURRENT'
     AND job_resource_groups.res_group_index = 'CURRENT'
     AND job_resource_descriptions.res_job_index = 'CURRENT'
     AND jobs.state = 'Waiting'
     AND jobs.queue_name =  '%s'
     AND jobs.reservation = 'None'
     AND jobs.job_id = moldable_job_descriptions.moldable_job_id
     AND job_resource_groups.res_group_index = 'CURRENT'
     AND job_resource_groups.res_group_moldable_id = moldable_job_descriptions.moldable_id
     AND job_resource_descriptions.res_job_index = 'CURRENT'
     AND job_resource_descriptions.res_job_group_id = job_resource_groups.res_group_id
     ORDER BY moldable_job_descriptions.moldable_id, job_resource_groups.res_group_id, job_resource_descriptions.res_job_order ASC;"
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