OAR in the Debian Archives

Since version 2.5.2, OAR is in the Debian repositories and OAR will be a part of the Debian/Wheezy distribution.


So OAR benefits now from the Debian repositories. It is currently in the unstable repository, and will probably move in the testing repository during the next week. As soon as it is in the testing repository, there will be a backport for squeeze.

deb http://<debian_mirror>/debian unstable main
deb http://<debian_mirror>/debian testing main
deb http://<debian_mirror>/debian-backports squeeze-backports main

Our own Debian repositories (http://oar-ftp.imag.fr/oar/*/debian) will be kept only for development purposes and for maintaining the 2.4 branches. The 2.5 stable branches will be removed in the next months.

For more information, please ask on the mailing lists.

-- The OAR Team

Posted Friday 01 June 2012