Since the former success of OAR’s participation to GSOC 2008 and 2009, we applied again this year and were selected to be a GSOC 2010 mentoring organization. The OAR team is very proud of participating for the third time to [[| GSOC]]. The following subjects are proposed: * [[gsoc_Proposal_Test_Suite | Installation and non-regression test suite]] * [[gsoc_Proposal_Performance_evaluation_in_virtual_environment | Performance evaluation in virtual environment]] * [[gsoc_Proposal_Web_Portal | Web Portal]] * [[gsoc_Proposal_Notifications | Notifications module]] * [[gsoc_Proposal_Oaradmin_API | Oaradmin integration into the RESTful API]] * [[gsoc_Proposal_Accounting | Accounting engine and interface]] * [[gsoc_Proposal_Kameleon_Recipes | Kameleon Recipes]] * [[gsoc_Proposal_Glite_Adapter | Glite Adapter]] * [[gsoc_Proposal_monitoring_and_reporting|Monitoring and reporting for greener computing ]] ===== Projects pages ===== This gsoc edition's proposals are more oriented to users and administrators tools. * [[GSoc_2010_Oaradmin_API | Oaradmin API ]] * [[GSoC_2010_Web_Portal | Web Portal ]] * [[GSOC_2010_Virtual_Cluster | Virtual Cluster ]] * [[GSOC_2010_Test_Suite | Test Suite ]] ===== Mentors directions ===== For mentors, please take a look at the important steps: [[GSoC_Mentoring_Startup | Mentoring Startup]]. Keep in mind the [[|GSOC 2010 timeline]]. **More general information about Summer of Code, mentors, things that students should know, etc is available on our [[Google_summer_of_code | Google Summer of Code]] page.**