===== Migrating a OAR database from MySQL to PostgreSQL ===== The Migrating a OAR database from MySQL to PostgreSQL is not straight-forward. A Tool like mysql2psql does not do the trick by itself. ==== New procedure ==== A tool has been developed to help migrating from a mysql to a postgresql OAR database: oar-database-migrate. See: https://github.com/oar-team/python-oar-cli Installation of oar-cli which provides oar-database-migrate: $ sudo apt-get install python-pip $ sudo apt-get install python-psycopg2 $ sudo apt-get install python-mysqldb $ sudo pip install oar-cli Create the new OAR database (postgresql) + oar database users, and empty the base. $ sudo oar-database --create --db-is-localuser $ sudo su - postgres $ dropdb oar $createdb oar -O oar $ exit Run the migration oar-database-migrate --current-db-url mysql://oar_ro:PASSWORD@mysql_server/oar --new-db-url postgresql://oar:PASSWORD@/pgsql_server Fix the rights of the oar database users (oar and oar_ro in this example): $ psql oar2 GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON schema,accounting,admission_rules,assigned_resources, challenges,event_log_hostnames,event_logs,files,frag_jobs,gantt_jobs_predictions, gantt_jobs_predictions_visu,gantt_jobs_resources,gantt_jobs_resources_visu, job_dependencies,job_resource_descriptions,job_resource_groups, job_state_logs,job_types,jobs,moldable_job_descriptions,queues, resource_logs,resources,admission_rules_id_seq,event_logs_event_id_seq, files_file_id_seq,job_resource_groups_res_group_id_seq, job_state_logs_job_state_log_id_seq,job_types_job_type_id_seq, moldable_job_descriptions_moldable_id_seq,resource_logs_resource_log_id_seq, resources_resource_id_seq,jobs_job_id_seq TO oar; GRANT SELECT ON schema,accounting,admission_rules,assigned_resources,event_log_hostnames, event_logs,files,frag_jobs,gantt_jobs_predictions,gantt_jobs_predictions_visu, gantt_jobs_resources,gantt_jobs_resources_visu,job_dependencies, job_resource_descriptions,job_resource_groups,job_state_logs,job_types, jobs,moldable_job_descriptions,queues,resource_logs,resources,admission_rules_id_seq, event_logs_event_id_seq,files_file_id_seq,job_resource_groups_res_group_id_seq, job_state_logs_job_state_log_id_seq,job_types_job_type_id_seq, moldable_job_descriptions_moldable_id_seq,resource_logs_resource_log_id_seq, resources_resource_id_seq,jobs_job_id_seq TO oar_ro; This procedure is based on Grid'5000 documentation: https://www.grid5000.fr/mediawiki/index.php/Migration_Postgres_OAR (access is restricted to Grid'5000 users) ==== Old Procedure ==== The procedure proposed here follows these steps: - extract the data from the MySQL database, and convert the dump to PostgreSQL SQL Syntax - create the structure of a new empty database in PostgreSQL, using oar-database - inject the data to the PosgreSQL database - restore the missing properties, admission rules, fix the sequence number - test This procedure has only been tested on a very small database (~1000 jobs), so it may contain some errors or oversights. === Frontend server === New packages: $ sudo aptitude install oar-user-pgsql In /etc/oar/oar.conf, edit these 2 lines: DB_TYPE="Pg" DB_PORT=5432 === OAR server === New packages: $ sudo aptitude install ruby-dbd-pg libdbd-pg-ruby oar-server-pgsql oar-user-pgsql postgresql postgresql-client == Postgresql configuration == host oar oar_ro md5 host oar oar md5 host oar oar_ro md5 host oar oar md5 listen_addresses = '*' == Create a new database and user == **This part can be improved, the postgresql database can be initialized using oar-database** $ sudo su - postgres $ createuser -P Enter name of role to add: oar Enter password for new role: Enter it again: Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) n Shall the new role be allowed to create databases? (y/n) n Shall the new role be allowed to create more new roles? (y/n) n CREATE ROLE $ createuser -P Enter name of role to add: oar_ro Enter password for new role: Enter it again: Shall the new role be a superuser? (y/n) n Shall the new role be allowed to create databases? (y/n) n Shall the new $ createdb oar $ sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql reload == Populate the database and set the privileges == $ psql -Uoar -h127.0.0.1 oar \i /usr/lib/oar/pg_structure.sql $ psql oar GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON schema,accounting,admission_rules,assigned_resources, challenges,event_log_hostnames,event_logs,files,frag_jobs,gantt_jobs_predictions, gantt_jobs_predictions_visu,gantt_jobs_resources,gantt_jobs_resources_visu, job_dependencies,job_resource_descriptions,job_resource_groups, job_state_logs,job_types,jobs,moldable_job_descriptions,queues, resource_logs,resources,admission_rules_id_seq,event_logs_event_id_seq, files_file_id_seq,job_resource_groups_res_group_id_seq, job_state_logs_job_state_log_id_seq,job_types_job_type_id_seq, moldable_job_descriptions_moldable_id_seq,resource_logs_resource_log_id_seq, resources_resource_id_seq,jobs_job_id_seq TO oar; GRANT SELECT ON schema,accounting,admission_rules,assigned_resources,event_log_hostnames, event_logs,files,frag_jobs,gantt_jobs_predictions,gantt_jobs_predictions_visu, gantt_jobs_resources,gantt_jobs_resources_visu,job_dependencies, job_resource_descriptions,job_resource_groups,job_state_logs,job_types, jobs,moldable_job_descriptions,queues,resource_logs,resources,admission_rules_id_seq, event_logs_event_id_seq,files_file_id_seq,job_resource_groups_res_group_id_seq, job_state_logs_job_state_log_id_seq,job_types_job_type_id_seq, moldable_job_descriptions_moldable_id_seq,resource_logs_resource_log_id_seq, resources_resource_id_seq,jobs_job_id_seq TO oar_ro; \q == Optimization == Create this cron job: $ crontab -l # m h dom mon dow command 02 02 * * * vacuumdb -a -f -z == MySQL database migration == Export all the admission rules to files: $ for i in ; do oaradmin -x $i -f adminrules_$i ; done Stop OAR $ sudo /etc/init.d/oar-server stop Update the OAR server configuration in /etc/oar/oar.conf: DB_TYPE="Pg" DB_PORT=5432 Dump the mysql db and stop mysql $ mysqldump --compatible=postgresql --default-character-set=utf8 -r oar_data.mysql -u root oar $ sudo /etc/init.d/mysql stop Create the postgresql data file with https://github.com/lanyrd/mysql-postgresql-converter $ git clone https://github.com/lanyrd/mysql-postgresql-converter.git $ python ./mysql-postgresql-converter/db_converter.py oar_data.mysql oar.psql In the file oar.psql, remove all the CREATE queries and these 2 INSERT queries: INSERT INTO "gantt_jobs_predictions" VALUES (0,1408970596); INSERT INTO "gantt_jobs_predictions_visu" VALUES (0,1408970596); Create all the missing properties in the right order (all the fields between last_available_upto and PRIMARY KEY in oar_data.mysql): grep -A 40 'CREATE TABLE "resources"' oar_data.mysql Append the parameter "-c" if the field is a varchar, or nothing if the field is an integer $ oarproperty -a cpu $ oarproperty -a core $ oarproperty -a host -c $ oarproperty -a mem $ oarproperty -a maintenance -c $ oarproperty -a ip -c Import the data file $ sudo su - postgres $ psql \i oar.psql Set the "next val" for all the sequences (implicitely created) in the postgresql database: SELECT setval('admission_rules_id_seq', max(id)) FROM admission_rules; ALTER TABLE "admission_rules" ALTER COLUMN "id" SET DEFAULT nextval('admission_rules_id_seq'); SELECT setval('event_logs_event_id_seq', max(event_id)) FROM event_logs; ALTER TABLE "event_logs" ALTER COLUMN "event_id" SET DEFAULT nextval('event_logs_event_id_seq'); SELECT setval('files_file_id_seq', max(file_id)) FROM files; ALTER TABLE "files" ALTER COLUMN "file_id" SET DEFAULT nextval('files_file_id_seq'); SELECT setval('job_resource_groups_res_group_id_seq', max(res_group_id)) FROM job_resource_groups; ALTER TABLE "job_resource_groups" ALTER COLUMN "res_group_id" SET DEFAULT nextval('job_resource_groups_res_group_id_seq'); SELECT setval('job_state_logs_job_state_log_id_seq', max(job_state_log_id)) FROM job_state_logs; ALTER TABLE "job_state_logs" ALTER COLUMN "job_state_log_id" SET DEFAULT nextval('job_state_logs_job_state_log_id_seq'); SELECT setval('job_types_job_type_id_seq', max(job_type_id)) FROM job_types; ALTER TABLE "job_types" ALTER COLUMN "job_type_id" SET DEFAULT nextval('job_types_job_type_id_seq'); SELECT setval('jobs_job_id_seq', max(job_id)) FROM jobs; ALTER TABLE "jobs" ALTER COLUMN "job_id" SET DEFAULT nextval('jobs_job_id_seq'); SELECT setval('moldable_job_descriptions_moldable_id_seq', max(moldable_id)) FROM moldable_job_descriptions; ALTER TABLE "moldable_job_descriptions" ALTER COLUMN "moldable_id" SET DEFAULT nextval('moldable_job_descriptions_moldable_id_seq'); SELECT setval('resource_logs_resource_log_id_seq', max(resource_log_id)) FROM resource_logs; ALTER TABLE "resource_logs" ALTER COLUMN "resource_log_id" SET DEFAULT nextval('resource_logs_resource_log_id_seq'); SELECT setval('resources_resource_id_seq', max(resource_id)) FROM resources; ALTER TABLE "resources" ALTER COLUMN "resource_id" SET DEFAULT nextval('resources_resource_id_seq'); Ensure that you have one unique version recorded in the table "schema" $ psql oar oar=# select * from schema; version | name ---------+------ 2.5.2 | 2.5.0 | 2.5.0 | (3 rows) oar=# delete from schema where version!='2.5.2'; DELETE 2 oar=# select * from schema; version | name ---------+------ 2.5.2 | (1 row) == Restart the OAR server: == $ sudo /etc/init.d/oar-server start == Remove the current admission rules and restore the previously exported ones == $ oaradmin -d `seq 1 14` $ for i in ; do oaradmin -a $i -f adminrules_$i ; done At this point, you should be able to remove the mysql packages and submit jobs from the frontend. ==== Other documentation resources ==== * https://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Things_to_find_out_about_when_moving_from_MySQL_to_PostgreSQL * https://www.grid5000.fr/mediawiki/index.php/Migration_Postgres_OAR (needs a Grid'5000 account)