This fix applies to [[:OAR 2.5.2]] and [[:OAR 2.5.3]], and must be taken into account if upgrading to any later version of OAR (i.e. starting from [[:OAR 2.5.4]]) === Description of the issue === With [[:OAR 2.5.2]] and [[:OAR 2.5.3]], OAR's database schema version must be 2.5.2 but is actually 2.5.0 in case of a fresh database setup with oar-database. This unfortunately causes the upgrade of the database to a later version of OAR (e.g. [[:OAR 2.5.4]]) to report an error: root@server:~# oar-database --check [Failed] OAR database version mismatch. Current version is 2.5.0 while 2.5.4 is required. root@server:~# root@server:~# oar-database --upgrade WARNING: Please make sure to stop oar-server service before upgrading. Please consider backing up the database before upgrading. Continue? [y/N]: y The current schema version is 2.5.0. Upgrading to 2.5.4. Uprgading from '2.5.0' to '2.5.2'... ERROR: column "array_index" of relation "jobs" already exists Uprgading from '2.5.2' to '2.5.4'... root@server:~# === Description of the fix procedure=== First check that your are actually using OAR 2.5.2 or OAR 2.5.3, e.g: $ /usr/sbin/oarnotify -V OAR version : 2.5.3 (Frog Master) It the reported version is indeed 2.5.2 or 2.5.3, follow the procedure adapted to your database backend. == Mysql database == Check your database schema version: # adapat the following to your configuration: $ OARDBNAME="oar" $ OARDBUSER="oar" $ OARDBPASSWD="..." $ echo 'select * from `schema`;' | mysql -t -u$OARDBUSER -p$OARDBPASSWD $OARDBNAME +---------+------+ | version | name | +---------+------+ | 2.5.0 | | +---------+------+ Check that your jobs table already has a "array_index" column. $ echo 'select array_index from jobs limit 1;' | mysql -t -u$OARDBUSER -p$OARDBPASSWD $OARDBNAME +-------------+ | array_index | +-------------+ | ..... | +-------------+ If yes, that confirms that the current version of your OAR database is 2.5.2 already and that the schema version is wrong. Please apply the following command to fix the version: $ echo 'update `schema` set version = "2.5.2";' | mysql -u$OARDBUSER -p$OARDBPASSWD $OARDBNAME # Then, check the version again: $ echo 'select * from `schema`;' | mysql -t -u$OARDBUSER -p$OARDBPASSWD $OARDBNAME +---------+------+ | version | name | +---------+------+ | 2.5.2 | | +---------+------+ == Postgresql database == Same as with MySQL, but use the psql command instead of the mysql command, e.g.: $ echo 'update schema set version = "2.5.2";' | psql -h $SERVER oar oar -W