====== Configuration ======
//In this section, you'll find advanced configuration tips//
===== Priority to the nodes with the lower workload =====
This tip is useful for clusters of big nodes, like NUMA hosts with numerous cpus and a few nodes. When the cluster has a lot of free resources, users often wonder why their jobs are always sent to the first node while the others are completely free. With this simple trick, new jobs are sent preferably on the nodes that have the lowest 15 minutes workload.
**Caution:** Doing this will significantly reduce the chances for jobs that want to use entire nodes or big parts of them (they may wait for a longer time)! do so only if this is what you want!/
* First of all, create a new **wload** property:
oarproperty -a wload
* Then, create a script **/usr/local/sbin/update_workload.sh** that updates this property for each node of your cluster:
set -e
HOSTS="zephir alize"
for host in $HOSTS
load=`ssh $host head -1 /proc/loadavg|awk '{print $3*100}'`
/usr/local/sbin/oarnodesetting -h $host -p wload=$load
* Add this script into your crontab, to be run every 5 minutes, for example inside **/etc/cron.d/update_workload**:
*/5 * * * * root /usr/local/sbin/update_workload.sh > /dev/null
* Then, add the wload field at the top of the **SCHEDULER_RESOURCE_ORDER** variable of your **oar.conf** file:
SCHEDULER_RESOURCE_ORDER="**wload ASC**,scheduler_priority ASC, suspended_jobs ASC, switch ASC, network_address DESC, resource_id ASC"
That's it!
===== Memory management in cpusets =====
Supposing you have a NUMA system (Non Uniform Access Memory), you may want to associate memory banks to sockets (cpus). This has 2 advantages:
* performance of jobs using only a part of a node
* a job having some cpus will go out of memory if it tries to access to memory of the others cpus (tipically, a one cpu job will obtain half of the memory on a 2-cpus host)
If you have a UMA system, you still may want to confine small jobs (ie jobs not using the entire node) to a subset of the memory and the trick is to use **[[Customization_tips#Use_fake-numa_to_add_memory_management_into_cpusets|fake numa]]** so that this tip will work for you.
All you have to do is to customize the **job_resource_manager**. It's a perl script, generally found into /etc/oar that you specify into the **JOB_RESOURCE_MANAGER_FILE** of the oar.conf file.
Examples (differences from the original script are set in bold):
* [[wiki:old:job_resource_manager_2_memory_banks.pl]]
* [[wiki:old:job_resource_manager_altix_350.pl]]
===== Use fake-numa to add memory management into cpusets =====
With the linux kernel (depending on the version), it is possible to split the memory into a predefined number of chunks, exactly like if a chunk was corresponding to a memory bank. This way, it's then possible to associate some "virtual" memory banks to a cpuset. As OAR creates cpusets to isolate cpu workload from other jobs, it's also possible to isolate the memory usage. A job that tries to use more memory than the total amount of the virtual memory banks associated into its cpuset should swap or fail with a out of memory signal.
Fake-numa is activated at the boot process, by a kernel option, for example:
will create 12 slots of memory accessible from the cpusets filesystem:
bzeznik@gofree-8:~$ cat /dev/cpuset/mems
Each slot size is the total size of the node divided by 12.
Once activated into the kernel of your cluster's nodes, you should edit the OAR's job manager script to take this into account. This is a perl script, located into ///etc/oar/job_resource_manager.pl// on the OAR server. The easiest configuration is to create as many virtual memory banks as there are cores
into your nodes. By this way, you have one virtual memory bank for one core and you can tell oar to associate the corresponding memory bank to a core:
# Copy the original job manager:
cp /etc/oar/job_resource_manager.pl /etc/oar/job_resource_manager_with_mem.pl
# Edit job_resource_manager_with_mem.pl, arround line 122, replace this line:
# 'cat /dev/cpuset/mems > /dev/cpuset/'.$Cpuset_path_job.'/mems &&'.
# by this line:
# '/bin/echo '.join(",",@Cpuset_cpus).' | cat > /dev/cpuset/'.$Cpuset_path_job.'/mems && '.
# (actually, it is the same line as for the "cpus", but into the "mems" file)
Once the new job manager created, you can activate it by changing the //JOB_RESOURCE_MANAGER_FILE// variable of your oar.conf file:
Now, you can check if it's working by creating a new job, and checking into it's cpuset memory file. For example:
bzeznik@gofree:~$ oarsub -l /nodes=1/core=2 -I
[ADMISSION RULE] Set default walltime to 7200.
[ADMISSION RULE] Modify resource description with type constraints
Interactive mode : waiting...
Connect to OAR job 307855 via the node gofree-8
bzeznik@gofree-8:~$ cat /proc/self/cpuset
bzeznik@gofree-8:~$ cat /dev/cpuset/oar/bzeznik_307855/cpus
bzeznik@gofree-8:~$ cat /dev/cpuset/oar/bzeznik_307855/mems
Then you have to teach to your users that cores are associated to a certain amount of memory per core. In this example, it's **4GB/core**. Then, if a user has a memory bounded job and needs **17GB** of memory, he should ask for **5 cores** on the same node, even for a sequential job. It's generally not to be considered as a waste in the HPC context because cpu cores are operating correctly only if memory i/o can operate correctly.
It's also possible to create an admission rule that will convert a query like "-l /memory=17" into "-l /nodes=1/core=5".
Finally, it should also be possible to create more virtual memory banks (2 or 4... per core), but you then should have to create your resources as memory slots and manage a memory_slot property into the job manager for example.
===== Cpusets feature activation =====
If you want to use the cpusets feature, the JOB_RESOURCE_MANAGER_PROPERTY_DB_FIELD variable from your oar.conf file must be uncommented and set to the property that gives the cpuset ids of the resources (generally **cpuset**). This property must be configured properly for each resource. You can use the **oar_resources_init** command.
===== Start/stop of nodes using ssh keys =====
Nodes can set them automatically to the Alive status at boot time, and Absent status at shutdown. One efficient way to do this, is to use dedicated ssh keys. The advantages are:
* It is secure
* You need nothing special on the nodes but an ssh client
First of all, you need to add a **ip** property to the resources table and put the ip addresses of your nodes inside:
oarproperty -a ip -c
oarnodesetting -p ip= --sql "network_address='node1'"
oarnodesetting -p ip= --sql "network_address='node2'"
Then, you have to put 2 scripts into the /etc/oar directory:
* /etc/oar/oarnodesetting_ssh_alive.sh
# oarnodesetting_ssh: oarnodesetting SSH wrapper
# $Id: oarnodesetting_ssh 949 2007-10-22 15:44:26Z capitn $
# This script is to be called from the node via SSH so that the server performs
# the oarnodesetting command and changes the state of the calling node.
# NB:
# 1- To get this script working, the oar ressource database table must have a
# `ip' field containing the IP address for all the nodes
# 2- A dedicated SSH key may be configured to restrict the ssh call capability
# from the nodes to the server, by modifying the authorized_keys of oar on the
# serveur as follows:
# command="/usr/lib/oar/oarnodesetting_ssh" [dediacted pub key info]...
# Warning: if $IP does not exist in the database or every corresponding
# resource states are 'Dead' then this script will return an exit code
# of 12 not 0 (this is the default behaviour of "oarnodesetting").
IP=$(echo $SSH_CONNECTION | cut -d " " -f 1 )
[ -n "$IP" ] || exit 1
# This updates matching core/cpuset based on /proc/cpuinfo
/etc/oar/update_cpuset_id.sh $IP
# Set the node Alive
exec $OARNODESETTINGCMD -s Alive --sql "ip = '$IP' AND state != 'Dead'"
exit 1
* /etc/oar/oarnodesetting_ssh_absent.sh
# oarnodesetting_ssh: oarnodesetting SSH wrapper
# $Id: oarnodesetting_ssh 949 2007-10-22 15:44:26Z capitn $
# This script is to be called from the node via SSH so that the server performs
# the oarnodesetting command and changes the state of the calling node.
# NB:
# 1- To get this script working, the oar ressource database table must have a
# `ip' field containing the IP address for all the nodes
# 2- A dedicated SSH key may be configured to restrict the ssh call capability
# from the nodes to the server, by modifying the authorized_keys of oar on the
# serveur as follows:
# command="/usr/lib/oar/oarnodesetting_ssh" [dediacted pub key info]...
# Warning: if $IP does not exist in the database or every corresponding
# resource states are 'Dead' then this script will return an exit code
# of 12 not 0 (this is the default behaviour of "oarnodesetting").
IP=$(echo $SSH_CONNECTION | cut -d " " -f 1 )
[ -n "$IP" ] || exit 1
exec $OARNODESETTINGCMD -s Absent --sql "ip = '$IP' AND state != 'Dead'"
exit 1
Then, create 2 ssh keys with no passphrase and put them inside the .ssh directory of the home of the oar user on every nodes:
sudo su - oar
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f .ssh/oarnodesetting_alive.key
ssh-keygen -t rsa -f .ssh/oarnodesetting_absent.key
scp -P 6667 .ssh/oarnodesetting_a* node1:.ssh
Add the public keys, on your frontend, into the authorized_keys file of the oar user by prefixing them with the names of the scripts seen above:
environment="OAR_KEY=1",command="/etc/oar/oarnodesetting_ssh_alive.sh" ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEAryzISWw4jbhphQfxWq2onrv8hZJlQo/aIjkDyh6wtriT9W289RB+SUNT7qnrDOcorgpwoCOdT6Y6ezlH2R2mLkbNyegV8q8wVTw0E96Rw7iBFXyyjsoq27E9J8ddlH6mE05G9vRaBDQiLJ76+lG20hnE1jhHiQX8DuFzG+qxmNiLGSIlYNCGNzP2RudQ6vdACzkOUw74dpwmJK0ko4YyHpxpbZ2/x66nJTINaIAPBJZ09FpUbWIRABOozr8u0GayiB06JOYnsbW0PqNUOGEvChYV8Kh3FJsM+geNh43I+uEo17p9DYhSGd1enPFOIv4VmPzZ3huT8TJH88FEz1F/zw =====
environment="OAR_KEY=1",command="/etc/oar/oarnodesetting_ssh_absent.sh" ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAABIwAAAQEA3cM8AUC5F8Olb/umgjDztTOOWiRHj3WMy+js2dowfkO0s1yNkXa+L93UOC0L/BTSTbr8ZqGWV+yNvx36T8tFjWVnd+wkjwl616SxfEQQ1YXQWS8m55vPpCs3dT4ZvtSceB9G3XCoGje+fsOpNb05X9DhX+2bXwe69SwK3e8J7QkDIeRwcEiv6vrteHE04qaVBXTJGLgJToxcPKdKDNhPUUoA+f4ZO3OG0exrfhWNfrLpVqc69nOGiTI9/9N/Dmw/V5oAEvKED2H/Ek1EaptW7hCgZTHoyj9OXbpofSro768ecymRBa6/qfEC/LvSp9e2HYIjn5rcL0WqlKBajpblmQ==
Finaly, customize the oar-node init script (generally /etc/default/oar-node or /etc/sysconfig/oar-node) with the following script:
## Auto update node status at boot time
# OARREMOTE: machine where we remotely run oarnodesetting (e.g. the main oar+kadeploy frontend)
# retry settings
start_oar_node() {
test -n "$OARREMOTE" || exit 0
echo " * Set the ressources of this node to Alive"
local retry=0
local sleep=0
until ssh -t -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oPasswordAuthentication=no -i /var/lib/oar/.ssh/oarnodesetting_alive.key oar@$OARREMOTE -p 6667
if [$((retry+=sleep)) -gt $MAXRETRY ]; then
echo "Failed."
return 1
echo "Retrying in $sleep seconds..."
sleep $sleep
return 0
stop_oar_node() {
test -n "$OARREMOTE" || exit 0
echo " * Set the ressources of this node to Absent"
local retry=0
local sleep=0
until ssh -t -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oPasswordAuthentication=no -i /var/lib/oar/.ssh/oarnodesetting_absent.key oar@$OARREMOTE -p 6667
if [$((retry+=sleep)) -gt $MAXRETRY ]; then
echo "Failed."
return 1
echo "Retrying in $sleep seconds..."
sleep $sleep
return 0
You can test by issuing the following from a node:
node1:~ # /etc/init.d/oar-node stop
Stopping OAR dedicated SSH server:
* Set the ressources of this node to Absent
33 --> Absent
34 --> Absent
35 --> Absent
36 --> Absent
37 --> Absent
38 --> Absent
39 --> Absent
40 --> Absent
Check jobs to delete on resource 33 :
Check done
Check jobs to delete on resource 34 :
Check done
Check jobs to delete on resource 35 :
Check done
Check jobs to delete on resource 36 :
Check done
Check jobs to delete on resource 37 :
Check done
Check jobs to delete on resource 38 :
Check done
Check jobs to delete on resource 39 :
Check done
Check jobs to delete on resource 40 :
Check done
Connection to closed.
node1:~ # /etc/init.d/oar-node start
Starting OAR dedicated SSH server:
* Set the ressources of this node to Alive
33 --> Alive
34 --> Alive
35 --> Alive
36 --> Alive
37 --> Alive
38 --> Alive
39 --> Alive
40 --> Alive
Connection to closed.
===== Multicluster =====
You can manage several different clusters with a unique OAR server. You may also choose to have one or several submission hosts. Simply install the **oar-server** package on the server and the **oar-user** package on all the submission hosts.
You can tag the resources to keep track of which resource belongs to which cluster. Simply create a new property (for example: "cluster") and set it for each resource. Example:
oarproperties -c -a cluster
for i in `seq 1 32`; do oarnodesetting -r $i -p cluster="clusterA"; done
for i in `seq 33 64`; do oarnodesetting -r $i -p cluster="clusterB"; done
Users can choose on which cluster to submit by asking for a specific cluster value:
oarsub -I -l /nodes=2 -p "cluster='clusterA'"
If you have several submission hosts, you can make an admission rule to automatically set the value of the cluster property. For example, the following submission rule should do the trick:
# Title : Cluster property management
# Description : Set the cluster property to the hostname of the submission host
use Sys::Hostname;
my @h = split('\\.',hostname());
# If you want to set up a queue per cluster, you can uncomment the following:
#if ($queue_name eq "default") {
# $queue_name=$h[0];
if ($jobproperties ne ""){
$jobproperties = "($jobproperties) AND cluster = '".$h[0]."'";
$jobproperties = "cluster = '".$h[0]."'";
Finally, you may also want to set up a queue per cluster, just because it's nicer in the oarstat output:
oarnotify --add_queue "clusterA,5,oar_sched_gantt_with_timesharing"
oarnotify --add_queue "clusterB,5,oar_sched_gantt_with_timesharing"
===== How to prevent a node to be suspected when it was rebooted during the job or when using several network_address properties on the same physical computer =====
In /etc/oar/job_resource_manager.pl simply uncomment the #exit(0) line.
===== Activating the oar_phoenix script to automatically reboot suspected nodes =====
**Note:** this tips depends on the [[customization_tips#start.2fstop_of_nodes_using_ssh_keys|start/stop of nodes using ssh keys]] tips, for the node to be automatically set up to the alive state at boot time.}}
OAR server now comes with a perl script, located into **/etc/oar/oar_phoenix.pl** that searches for fully suspected nodes and may send customized commands aimed at repairing them. It has a 2 level mechanism: First, it sends a 'soft' command. And after a timeout, if the node is still suspected, it sends a 'hard' command. Here is how to install the script:
* Edit the customization part of the phoenix script to set up your soft and hard commands. The '{nodename}' macro is set to pass the node name to the commands; here is an example:
cluster:~# vi **/etc/oar/oar_phoenix.pl**
# Command sent to reboot a node (first attempt)
my $PHOENIX_SOFT_REBOOTCMD="ssh -p 6667 {nodename} oardodo reboot";
# Timeout for a soft rebooted node to be considered hard rebootable
# Command sent to reboot a node (second attempt)
#my $PHOENIX_HARD_REBOOTCMD="oardodo ipmitool -U USERID -P PASSW0RD -H {nodename}-mgt power off;sleep 2;oardodo ipmitool -U USERID -P PASSW0RD -H {NODENAME}-mgt power on";
my $PHOENIX_HARD_REBOOTCMD="oardodo /etc/oar/reboot_node_hard.sh {nodename}";
* Create a cron job that runs perdiodically phoenix:
cluster:~# vi **/etc/cron.d/oar-phoenix**
*/10 * * * * root /usr/sbin/oar_phoenix
===== Can't do setegid! =====
Some distributions have perl_suid installed, but not set up correctly. The solution is something like that:
bzeznik@healthphy:~> which sperl5.8.8
bzeznik@healthphy:~> sudo chmod u+s /usr/bin/sperl5.8.8