====== Admission rules ======
//OAR offers a powerful system letting you customize the way that jobs enter into queues (or are rejected from queues) called "admission rules". An admission rule is a little perl script that you insert into the admission_rules SQL table of the OAR database. Here, you'll find some advanced and useful examples.//
===== Cluster routing depending on the name of the queue =====
# Title : Cluster routing
# Description : Send to the corresponding cluster
my $cluster=$queue_name;
if ($jobproperties ne ""){
$jobproperties = "($jobproperties) AND cluster = '".$cluster."'";
$jobproperties = "cluster = '".$cluster."'";
===== Cluster routing depending on the name of the submission host =====
# Title : Cluster routing
# Description : Send to the corresponding cluster and queue depending on the submission host
use Sys::Hostname;
my @h = split('\\.',hostname());
my $cluster;
if ($h[0] eq "service0") {
print "[ADMISSION RULE] Routing to NANOSTAR cluster";
}else {
print "[ADMISSION RULE] Routing to FOEHN cluster";
if ($queue_name eq "default") {
if ($jobproperties ne ""){
$jobproperties = "($jobproperties) AND cluster = '".$cluster."'";
$jobproperties = "cluster = '".$cluster."'";
===== Best-effort automatic routing for some unprivileged users =====
Description : Users that are not members of a given group are automatically directed to the besteffort queue
my $GROUP="nanostar";
system("id -Gn $user |sed 's/ /\\\/g'|grep -w $GROUP >/dev/null");
if ($? != 0){
print("[ADMISSION RULE] !!!! WARNING !!!");
$queue_name = "besteffort";
push (@{$type_list},"besteffort");
if ($jobproperties ne ""){ $jobproperties = "($jobproperties) and besteffort = \\'yes\\'"; }else{
$jobproperties = "besteffort = \\'YES\\'";
===== Automatic licence assignment by job type =====
Description : Creates a **mathlab** job type that automatically assigns a mathlab licence
if (grep(/^mathlab$/, @{$type_list})){
print "[LICENCE ADMISSION RULE] Adding a mathlab licence to the query";
foreach my $mold (@{$ref_resource_list}){
{'resources' =>
[{'resource'|=> 'licence','value' => '1'}],
'property' => 'type = \\'mathlab\\'}
===== Walltime limit =====
Description : By default, an admission rule limits the walltime of interactiv jobs to 2 hours. This modified rule also set up a walltime for passive jobs.
my $max_interactive_walltime = OAR::IO::sql_to_duration("12:00:00");
# 7 days = 168 hours
my $max_batch_walltime = OAR::IO::sql_to_duration("168:00:00");
foreach my $mold (@{$ref_resource_list}){
if (defined($mold->[1])){
if (($jobType eq "INTERACTIVE") and ($reservationField eq "None") and ($max_interactive_walltime < $mold->[1])){
print("[ADMISSION RULE] Walltime too big for an INTERACTIVE job so it is set to $max_interactive_walltime.");
$mold->[1] = $max_interactive_walltime;
}elsif ($max_batch_walltime < $mold->[1]){
print("[ADMISSION RULE] Walltime too big for a BATCH job so it is set to $max_batch_walltime.");
$mold->[1] = $max_batch_walltime;
Thanks to Nicolas Capit
===== Cpu time limit =====
Description : Rejects jobs asking for more than a cpu*walltime limit. Current limit is set to 384 hours (16 days of cpu-time)
Note: This rule is for an SMP host on which we only have a "pnodes" property (physical nodes) and "cpu" (only one core per cpu). It should be adapted for a more conventional distributed memory cluster having simple nodes with several cores per cpus.
my $cpu_walltime=iolib::sql_to_duration("384:00:00");
my $msg="";
foreach my $mold (@{$ref_resource_list}){
foreach my $r (@{$mold->[0]}){
my $cpus=0;
my $pnodes=0;
# Catch the cpu and pnode resources
foreach my $resource (@{$r->{resources}}) {
if ($resource->{resource} eq "cpu") {
if ($resource->{resource} eq "pnode") {
# Calculate the number of cpus
if ($pnodes == 0 && $cpus == 0) { $cpus=1; }
if ($pnodes != 0) {
if ($cpus == 0) { $cpus=$pnodes*2;}
else {$cpus=$pnodes*$cpus;}
# Reject if walltime*cpus is too big
if ($cpus * $mold->[1] > $cpu_walltime) {
[WALLTIME TOO BIG] The maximum allowed walltime for $cpus cpus is ";
$msg.= $cpu_walltime / $cpus / 3600;
$msg.= " hours.";
===== Jobs number limit =====
Description : Limits the maximum number of simultaneous jobs allowed for each user on the cluster. Default is 50 jobs maximum per user.
It is possible to specify users having unlimited jobs number in //~oar/unlimited_reservation.users// file (on oar-server)
You can also configure the max_nb_jobs by setting your value in //~oar/max_jobs// (on oar-server)
Note : Array jobs are also limited by this rule.
# Title : Limit the number of jobs per user to max_nb_jobs
# Description : If user is not listed in unlimited users file, it checks if current number of jobs is well under $max_nb_jobs, which is defined in ~oar/max_jobs or is 50 by default
my $unlimited=0;
if (open(FILE, "< $ENV{home}/unlimited_reservation.users")) {
while () {
if (m/^\\s*$user\\s*$/m) {
if ($unlimited == 0) {
my $max_nb_jobs = 50;
if (open(FILE, "< $ENV{home}/max_jobs")) {
while () {
my $nb_jobs = $dbh->selectrow_array(
qq{ select count(job_id)
FROM jobs
WHERE job_user = ?
AND (state = \\'Waiting\\'
OR state = \\'Hold\\'
OR state = \\'toLaunch\\'
OR state = \\'toAckReservation\\'
OR state = \\'Launching\\'
OR state = \\'Running\\'
OR state = \\'Suspended\\'
OR state = \\'Resuming\\'
OR state = \\'Finishing\\') },
if (($nb_jobs + $array_job_nb) > $max_nb_jobs) {
die("[ADMISSION RULE] Error: you cannot have more than $max_nb_jobs submitted jobs at the same time.");
===== Project assignment =====
If you want to automatically assign a project to users submissions (replacing --project oarsub option), you simply have to set the **$project** variable to what you want inside an admission rule.
===== Restricts access to a user list for a set of resources =====
For example, if you defined with the command "oarproperty" a property "model"
then you can enforce some properties constraints for some users.
# Title : Restricts the use of resources for some users
# Description : think to change the user list in this admission rule
my %allowed_users = (
"toto" => 1,
"titi" => 1,
"tutu" => 0
if (!defined($allowed_users{$user}) or ($allowed_users{$user} == 0)){
if ($jobproperties ne ""){
$jobproperties = "($jobproperties) AND model != 'bullx'";
$jobproperties = "model != 'bullx'";
print("[ADMISSION RULE] Automatically add the constraint to not go on the bullx nodes");
===== Limit the number of interactive jobs per user =====
# Title : Limit the number of interactive jobs per user
# Description : Limit the number of interactive jobs per user
my $max_interactive_jobs = 2;
if (($jobType eq "INTERACTIVE") and ($reservationField eq "None")){
my $nb_jobs = $dbh->do(" SELECT job_id
FROM jobs
job_user = '$user' AND
reservation = 'None' AND
job_type = 'INTERACTIVE' AND
(state = 'Waiting'
OR state = 'Hold'
OR state = 'toLaunch'
OR state = 'toAckReservation'
OR state = 'Launching'
OR state = 'Running'
OR state = 'Suspended'
OR state = 'Resuming'
OR state = 'Finishing')
if ($nb_jobs >= $max_interactive_jobs){
die("You cannot have more than $max_interactive_jobs interactive jobs at a time.");
===== Auto property restriction for specific user groups =====
# Title : Infiniband user restrictions
# Description : put the ib property restriction depending of the groups of the user
if ((! grep(/^besteffort$/, @{$type_list})) and ($user ne "serviware")){
print("[ADMISSION RULE] Check on which Infiniband network you can go on...");
my ($user_name,$user_passwd,$user_uid,$user_gid,$user_quota,$user_comment,$user_gcos,$user_dir,$user_shell,$user_expire) = getpwnam($user);
my ($primary_group,$primary_passwd,$primary_gid,$primary_members) = getgrgid($user_gid);
my ($seiscope_name,$seiscope_passwd,$seiscope_gid,$seiscope_members) = getgrnam("seiscope");
my %seiscope_hash = map { $_ => 1 } split(/\\s+/,$seiscope_members);
my ($globalseis_name,$globalseis_passwd,$globalseis_gid,$globalseis_members) = getgrnam("globalseis");
my %globalseis_hash = map { $_ => 1 } split(/\\s+/,$globalseis_members);
my ($tohoku_name,$tohoku_passwd,$tohoku_gid,$tohoku_members) = getgrnam("tohoku");
my %tohoku_hash = map { $_ => 1 } split(/\\s+/,$tohoku_members);
my $sql_str = "ib = \\'none\\'";
if (($primary_group eq "seiscope") or (defined($seiscope_hash{$user}))){
print("[ADMISSION RULE] You are in the group seiscope so you can go on the QDR Infiniband nodes");
$sql_str .= " OR ib = \\'QDR\\'";
if (($primary_group eq "globalseis") or (defined($globalseis_hash{$user})) or ($primary_group eq "tohoku") or (defined($tohoku_hash{$user}))){
print("[ADMISSION RULE] You are in the group globalseis or tohoku so you can go on the DDR Infiniband nodes");
$sql_str .= " OR ib = \\'DDR\\'";
if ($jobproperties ne ""){
$jobproperties = "($jobproperties) AND ($sql_str)";
$jobproperties = "$sql_str";
===== Debug admission rule =====
When you play with admission rules, you can dump some data structures with YAML to have a readable output of the submission requests for example:
print "[DEBUG] Output of the resources query data structure:";
print YAML::Dump(@{$ref_resource_list});
===== NUMA topology optimization=====
See the [[wiki:Use cases and user tips#numa_topology_optimization|NUMA topology optimization]] usecase
===== Short, medium and long queues =====
Description: The following is a set of admission rules that route on 3 different queues having different priorities. Some core number restrictions per queue are set up.
Queues creation:
oarnotify --add_queue short,9,oar_sched_gantt_with_timesharing_and_fairsharing
oarnotify --add_queue medium,5,oar_sched_gantt_with_timesharing_and_fairsharing
oarnotify --add_queue long,3,oar_sched_gantt_with_timesharing_and_fairsharing
Rule : 20
# Title: Automatic routing into the short queue
# Description: Short jobs are automatically routed into the short queue
my $max_walltime="6:00:00";
my $walltime=0;
# Search for the max walltime of the moldable jobs
foreach my $mold (@{$ref_resource_list}){
foreach my $r (@{$mold->[0]}){
if ($mold->[1] > $walltime) {
$walltime = $mold->[1];
# Put into the short queue if the job is short
if ($walltime <= OAR::IO::sql_to_duration($max_walltime)
&& !(grep(/^besteffort$/, @{$type_list}))) {
print " [SHORT QUEUE] This job is routed into the short queue";
Rule : 21
# Title: Automatic routing into the medium queue
# Description: Medium jobs are automatically routed into the medium queue
my $max_walltime="120:00:00";
my $min_walltime="6:00:00";
my $walltime=0;
# Search for the max walltime of the moldable jobs
foreach my $mold (@{$ref_resource_list}){
foreach my $r (@{$mold->[0]}){
if ($mold->[1] > $walltime) {
$walltime = $mold->[1];
# Put into the medium queue if the job is medium
if ($walltime <= OAR::IO::sql_to_duration($max_walltime)
&& $walltime > OAR::IO::sql_to_duration($min_walltime)
&& !(grep(/^besteffort$/, @{$type_list}))) {
print " [MEDIUM QUEUE] This job is routed into the medium queue";
Rule : 22
# Title: Automatic routing into the long queue
# Description: Medium jobs are automatically routed into the medium queue
my $max_walltime="360:00:00";
my $min_walltime="120:00:00";
my $walltime=0;
# Search for the max walltime of the moldable jobs
foreach my $mold (@{$ref_resource_list}){
foreach my $r (@{$mold->[0]}){
if ($mold->[1] > $walltime) {
$walltime = $mold->[1];
# Put into the long queue if the job is long
if ($walltime > OAR::IO::sql_to_duration($min_walltime)
&& !(grep(/^besteffort$/, @{$type_list}))) {
print " [LONG QUEUE] This job is routed into the long queue";
# Limit walltime of the "long" queue
if ($queue_name eq "long"){
my $min_walltime="120:00:00";
my $max_walltime="360:00:00";
foreach my $mold (@{$ref_resource_list}){
foreach my $r (@{$mold->[0]}){
if ($mold->[1] > OAR::IO::sql_to_duration($max_walltime)) {
print "\
[WALLTIME TOO BIG] The maximum allowed walltime for the long queue is $max_walltime";
if ($mold->[1] <= OAR::IO::sql_to_duration($min_walltime)) {
print "\
[WALLTIME TOO SHORT] The minimum allowed walltime for the long queue is $min_walltime";
Rule : 23
# Title : Core number restrictions
# Description : Count the number of cores requested and reject if the queue does not allow this
# Check the resources
my $resources_def=$ref_resource_list->[0];
my $n_core_per_cpus=6;
my $n_cpu_per_node=2;
my $core=0;
my $cpu=0;
my $node=0;
foreach my $r (@{$resources_def->[0]}) {
foreach my $resource (@{$r->{resources}}) {
if ($resource->{resource} eq "core") {$core=$resource->{value};}
if ($resource->{resource} eq "cpu") {$cpu=$resource->{value};}
if ($resource->{resource} eq "nodes") {$node=$resource->{value};}
if ($resource->{resource} eq "network_address") {$node=$resource->{value};}
# Now, calculate the number of total cores
my $n_cores=0;
if ($node == 0 && $cpu != 0 && $core == 0) {
$n_cores = $cpu*$n_core_per_cpus;
}elsif ($node != 0 && $cpu == 0 && $core == 0) {
$n_cores = $node*$n_cpu_per_node*$n_core_per_cpus;
}elsif ($node != 0 && $cpu == 0 && $core != 0) {
$n_cores = $node*$core;
}elsif ($node == 0 && $cpu != 0 && $core != 0) {
$n_cores = $cpu*$core;
}elsif ($node == 0 && $cpu == 0 && $core != 0) {
$n_cores = $core;
else { $n_cores = $node*$cpu*$core; }
print " [CORES COUNT] You requested $n_cores cores";
# Now the restrictions:
my $short=132; # 132 cores = 11 noeuds
my $medium=132; # 132 cores = 11 noeuds
my $long=132; # 132 cores = 11 noeuds
if ("$queue_name" eq "long" && $n_cores > $long) {
print "\
[CORES COUNT] Too many cores for this queue (max is $long)!";
if ("$queue_name" eq "medium" && $n_cores > $medium) {
print "\
[CORES COUNT] Too many cores for this queue (max is $medium)!";
if ("$queue_name" eq "short" && $n_cores > $short) {
print "\
[CORES COUNT] Too many cores for this queue (max is $short)!";
Rule : 24
# Title : Restriction des jobs long ou medium
# Description : Les jobs long ou medium ne peuvent pas tourner sur les ressources ayant la propriété long=NO
if ("$queue_name" eq "long" || "$queue_name" eq "medium"){
if ($jobproperties ne ""){
$jobproperties = "($jobproperties) AND long = \\'YES\\'";
$jobproperties = "long = \\'YES\\'";
print "[ADMISSION RULE] Adding long/medium jobs resources restrictions";
===== Naming interactive jobs by default =====
Description: Interactive jobs with no name are automatically named "interactive unnamed job"
if (($jobType eq "INTERACTIVE") and ($job_name eq //)){
$job_name = 'interactive unnamed job';
===== Filter resources by job walltime =====
Description: with this admission rule the longer the job walltime is, the fewer resources are available for the job. This encourages a user to shorten the walltime, so that he can use more resources.
First we define the ''max_walltime'' property and split nodes in several sets with different ''max_walltime'' values.
oarproperty -a max_walltime
for node in ; do
oarnodesetting -h node -p max_walltime=
for node in ; do
oarnodesetting -h node -p max_walltime=
A node with the ''max_walltime'' property set to a lower value than the actual walltime requested by a job can not be used by that job, as enforced by the following admission rule:
if ((($jobType eq "PASSIVE") or ($jobType eq "INTERACTIVE")) and !(grep(/^besteffort/, @{$type_list})) and ($queue_name ne "admin")) {
foreach my $mold (@{$ref_resource_list}) {
if (defined($mold->[1])) {
foreach my $r (@{$mold->[0]}){
my $resource = $r->{resources}[0]->{resource};
if ($resource =~ /(network_address|host|cpu|core)/){
my $max_walltime = $mold->[1] / 60; # convert defined walltime in minutes;
my $current_properties = $r->{property};
if ($current_properties ne ""){
$r->{property} = "($current_properties) AND max_walltime >= $max_walltime";
} else {
$r->{property} = "max_walltime >= $max_walltime";