Web Portal Proposal

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Web Portal for job submission

A web portal is an important feature to help the user to get used with sophisticated supercomputing infrastructures, by hiding from them the complexities of the computational environment.

In OAR we use Monika and Gantt for monitoring jobs and visualization functionalities. What we need is a web portal for job submissions. The web portal should be able to provide all the possible options provided when command line (ex. batch/interactive jobs, reservations, checkpoint/restart feature, besteffort/deploy type of jobs ...etc).

OAR has a REST API that provides most of the necessary features to build a web portal on top of it. This API should be used for this project. An important point should be discussed at the beginning of the project: authentication and how is it coupled to the API authentication. The portal should also provide a configuration wizard to OAR administrators. So this project is linked to the Oaradmin API Proposal.




  • Web Portal Architecture and REST architecture
  • Javascript library like extjs3.x
  • Ruby and Perl
  • Sinatra, Rack or Perl's equivalent web framworks
  • Mysql/Postgresql


"Ext JS: Cross-Browser Rich Internet Application Framework":http://extjs.com/products/extjs/

Books on extjs 3.x :Ext JS in Action and Learning Ext JS

"OAR RESTful API": http://oar.imag.fr/archive/wiki-oar/index.php/OAR_API

"Moab portal":http://www.clusterresources.com/pages/products/moab-cluster-suite.php

"OSCAR Portal":http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/Xplore/login.jsp?url=/iel5/10840/34158/01628235.pdf?tp=&isnumber=&arnumber=1628235

"Cluster Management GUI de Bright Computing":http://www.brightcomputing.com/Linux-Cluster-Management-GUI.php


"Sun Grid Engine":http://gridengine.sunsource.net/gep/GEP_Intro.html

"Raphaël-JS, a JavaScript library that draws SVG vector graphics for web sites" http://raphaeljs.com/

"JavaScript InfoVis Toolkit (ex: javascript treemap)" http://thejit.org/home/


  • Olivier Richard
  • Romain Cavagna
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