Web Portal GSOC 2010
From WikiOAR
Student and mentor ;), please read carefully this page...
Student: Sundeep Kumar Mishra
Mentor: Olivier Richard
Co-Mentor: Romain Cavagna
Student: Things to do before starting
- Practice OAR RESTfull API.
- Learn ExtJs 3.x (have also a look to ExtJs' books).
- Study the first prototype in trunk/visualization_interfaces/poar.
- Play with Kameleon.
Project Pseudo-Specification
- Portal should be ergonomic, sober, extensible
- Use https + basic authentication for simple login
- 3 kinds of users (anonymous, regular, admin)
- Integration of iframe (to simple integration of external web page) (see 1rst propotype)
- History between widget/panel/layout (see 1rst propotype)
- job submission (use of datepicker, simple timepiker via combo boxes ?,...)
- Job grids
- monika/ drawgantt integration
- oaradmin integration
- help/documentation integration
- extensibility (multi-oar, cigri, portal/portlet)
- processingjs integration (fancy animation, pie chart, plot, bar chart)
- integration of pie/graph/chart libraries (like http://g.raphaeljs.com/)
- user's preferences (need of DB table)
Initial implementation Workplan
Main Milestones
Extjs-3.2.1 version of first prototype with (global layout, iframe, history...) - Job Submission (simple and advance submission)
- Display information for one job
- Display information for one resource
- List of resources
- List of jobs
- Processing.js integration (for plot, chart, pie chart and other fancy widget and animations...)
- oaradmin integration and interactions
- Basic authentification support (need some search/test/discussion: interesting page here)
- page à la igoogle
How to test poar prototype
- Use debian_oar_devel appliance built thanks to kameleon. Note: the redir option to have ssh and http access into guest from host
sudo kvm -m 512 -redir tcp:2222::22 -redir tcp:8080::80 debian_oar_devel.raw
- Rsync poar directory from host to /var/www/ in the guest
cd oar_directory/trunk/visualization_interfaces rsync -avz --rsh="ssh -l root -p 2222" --delete poar localhost:/var/www
- Launch browser on poar
firefox localhost:8080/poar/poar.html
Note: Of course you can put public key to avoid to enter password.
scp -P 2222 ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub kameleon@localhost:/home/kameleon/.ssh/ scp -P 2222 ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub root@localhost:/root/.ssh/
How to add virtual nodes and ressources on appliance
- A simple way in running appliance. First add some hostnames in /etc/hosts node1 node2 node3 node4
- Second add nodes and ressources in oar's DB (2 ressources by node)
oarnodesetting -h node2 -a oarnodesetting -h node2 -a oarnodesetting -h node3 -a oarnodesetting -h node3 -a
- One can also use oaradmin command to add ressources
Debuging with firefox
- Use firebug extension
How to test poar prototype
Weekly Progress Report
24th May 2010-31st May 2010
- Various Experiments with the design of oar-portal.
- Experiments with oar-api.
01st June 2010-07th June 2010
- Coming up with ext-js 3.2 version of OAR-Portal.
- A prototype with navigator bar + central panel + iframe (to integrate external pages) + history.
07th June 2010-14th June 2010
- Started working on Job Summary page.
- Resolving the issues of adaptation of oar-api with grid-extjs widget.
- Halted due to unavailability of paging facility in oar-api.
14th June 2010-21st June 2010
- Experimenting Various Designs for Jobs Submission Functionalities(For User Friendliness and looks).
- Completing some simple options of Jobs Submission and Testing them.
21st June 2010 -27th June 2010
- Completing Some advanced options of oarsub and their Testing.
- Off from 25th to 29th due to Marriage of Uncle.
27th June 2010 - 04th July 2010
- Rest of advanced options of oarsub completion.
- Job Submission Module Final Integration.
- All the Options of Job Submission Covered.
- Testing it for several conditions and analyzing the output.
05th July -12th July 2010
- Job Submission Module using OAR-API integrated
- Job lists Module integrated (without pagination)
- Resource lists Module integrated (without pagination)
- Job Deletion Module integrated
- Resource stated Update Module integrated
- Job list Module with pagination (work going on)
13th July- 20th July 2010
- Job list Pagination Integrated
- Raphael.js integrated (with piechart)
21st July - 28th July 2010
- Integrated page for full information about a job and a resource.
- Integrated a page like igoogle(namely ioar).
- A page for help.
- Commenting the code.
- Written some part of the documentation.
29th July - 4th August 2010
- Integrated Resource Pagination
- In order to provide extensibility divided the into different files
- Enhanced the readability of code
5th August-12th August 2010
- Oaradmin Integrated
- Processing.js integrated
- Drawgantt chart and Monika integrated
- Documentation started
12th August- 19th August 2010
- Documentation Completed
- FAQ's added
- Configuration File added
- A new Processing Chart integrated
- Partial redraw integrated
TODO list
Tips to poar prototype testing -
Apache configuration and information for basic-athentication issues.Thanks to Bruno's work.