Job resource manager 2 memory

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# $Id: 1648 2008-09-17 16:00:56Z neyron $                            
# The job_resource_manager script is a perl script that oar server deploys on nodes          
# to manage cpusets, users, job keys, ...                                                    
# Usage:                                                                                     
# This script is deployed from the server and executed as oar on the nodes                   
# ARGV[0] can have two different values:                                                     
#     - "init"  : then this script must create the right cpuset and assign                   
#                 corresponding cpus                                                         
#     - "clean" : then this script must kill all processes in the cpuset and                 
#                 clean the cpuset structure                                                 
# TAKTUK_HOSTNAME environment variable must be defined and must be a name                    
# that we will be able to find in the transfered hashtable ($Cpuset variable).               
use Fcntl ':flock';                                                                          
#use Data::Dumper;                                                                           
sub exit_myself($$);                                                                         
sub print_log($$);                                                                           
my $Old_umask = sprintf("%lo",umask());                                                      
my $Cpuset;                                                                                  
my $Log_level;                                                                               
# Retrieve parameters from STDIN in the "Cpuset" structure which looks like:                 
# $Cpuset = {                                                                                
#               job_id => id of the corresponding job                                        
#               name => "cpuset name",                                                       
#               cpuset_path => "relative path in the cpuset FS",                             
#               nodes => hostname => [array with the content of the database cpuset field]   
#               ssh_keys => {                                                                
#                               public => {                                                  
#                                           file_name => "~oar/.ssh/authorized_keys"         
#                                           key => "public key content"                      
#                                         }                                                  
#                               private => {                                                 
#                                           file_name => "directory where to store the private key"                                                                                          
#                                           key => "private key content"                      
#                                          }                                                  
#                           }                                                                 
#               oar_tmp_directory => "path to the temp directory"                             
#               user => "user name"                                                           
#               job_user => "job user"                                                        
#               job_uid => "job uid for the job_user if needed"                               
#               types => hashtable with job types as keys                                     
#               log_level => debug level number                                               
#           }                                                                                 
my $tmp = "";                                                                                 
while (<STDIN>){                                                                              
    $tmp .= $_;                                                                               
$Cpuset = eval($tmp);                                                                         
if (!defined($Cpuset->{log_level})){                                                          
    exit_myself(2,"Bad SSH hashtable transfered");                                            
$Log_level = $Cpuset->{log_level};                                                            
my $Cpuset_path_job;                                                                          
my @Cpuset_cpus;                                                                              
# Get the data structure only for this node                                                   
if (defined($Cpuset->{cpuset_path})){                                                         
    $Cpuset_path_job = $Cpuset->{cpuset_path}.'/'.$Cpuset->{name};                            
    @Cpuset_cpus = @{$Cpuset->{nodes}->{$ENV{TAKTUK_HOSTNAME}}};                              
if ($ARGV[0] eq "init"){                                                                      
    # Initialize cpuset for this node                                                         
    # First, create the tmp oar directory                                                     
    if (!(((-d $Cpuset->{oar_tmp_directory}) and (-O $Cpuset->{oar_tmp_directory})) or (mkdir($Cpuset->{oar_tmp_directory})))){                                                              
        exit_myself(13,"Directory $Cpuset->{oar_tmp_directory} does not exist and cannot be created");                                                                                       
    if (defined($Cpuset->{job_uid})){                                                         
        my $prevuser = getpwuid($Cpuset->{job_uid});                                          
        system("oardodo /usr/sbin/userdel -f $prevuser") if (defined($prevuser));             
        my @tmp = getpwnam($Cpuset->{user});                                                  
        if ($#tmp < 0){                                                                       
            exit_myself(15,"Cannot get information from user '$Cpuset->{user}'");             
        if (system("oardodo /usr/sbin/adduser --disabled-password --gecos 'OAR temporary user' --no-create-home --force-badname --quiet --home $tmp[7] --gid $tmp[3] --shell $tmp[8] --uid $Cpuset->{job_uid} $Cpuset->{job_user}")){                                                       
            exit_myself(15,"Failed to create $Cpuset->{job_user} with uid $Cpuset->{job_uid} and home $tmp[7] and group $tmp[3] and shell $tmp[8]");                                         
    if (defined($Cpuset_path_job)){                                                           
        if (open(LOCKFILE,"> $Cpuset->{oar_tmp_directory}/job_manager_lock_file")){           
            flock(LOCKFILE,LOCK_EX) or exit_myself(17,"flock failed: $!");                    
            if (system('oardodo mount -t cpuset | grep " /dev/cpuset " > /dev/null 2>&1')){   
                if (system('oardodo mkdir -p /dev/cpuset && oardodo mount -t cpuset none /dev/cpuset')){                                                                                     
                    exit_myself(4,"Failed to mount cpuset pseudo filesystem");                
            if (!(-d '/dev/cpuset/'.$Cpuset->{cpuset_path})){                                 
                if (system( 'oardodo mkdir -p /dev/cpuset/'.$Cpuset->{cpuset_path}.' &&'.     
                            'oardodo chown -R oar /dev/cpuset/'.$Cpuset->{cpuset_path}.' &&'. 
                            '/bin/echo 0 | cat > /dev/cpuset/'.$Cpuset->{cpuset_path}.'/notify_on_release && '.                                                                              
                            '/bin/echo 0 | cat > /dev/cpuset/'.$Cpuset->{cpuset_path}.'/cpu_exclusive && '.                                                                                  
                            'cat /dev/cpuset/mems > /dev/cpuset/'.$Cpuset->{cpuset_path}.'/mems &&'.                                                                                         
                            'cat /dev/cpuset/cpus > /dev/cpuset/'.$Cpuset->{cpuset_path}.'/cpus'                                                                                             
                    exit_myself(4,"Failed to create cpuset $Cpuset->{cpuset_path}");          
            flock(LOCKFILE,LOCK_UN) or exit_myself(17,"flock failed: $!");                    
            exit_myself(16,"Failed to open or create $Cpuset->{oar_tmp_directory}/job_manager_lock_file");                                                                                   
       my $mem = "";                                                                          
       my $c = 0;                                                                             
       while (($c <= $#Cpuset_cpus)){                                                         
                my $core_id=$Cpuset_cpus[$c];                                                 
                my $physical_id=`cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu$core_id/topology/physical_package_id`;                                                                                      
               if ($physical_id == 1){                                                        
               if (($mem eq "") or ($mem eq "1")){                                    
                               $mem = "1";                                                    
                               $mem = "0,1";                                                  
                       if (($mem eq "") or ($mem eq "0")){                                    
                               $mem = "0";                                                    
                               $mem = "0,1";                                                  
#'for c in '."@Cpuset_cpus".';do cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu$c/topology/physical_package_id > /dev/cpuset/'.$Cpuset_path_job.'/mems; done && '.                                          
# Be careful with the physical_package_id. Is it corresponding to the memory banc?            
        if (system( 'oardodo mkdir -p /dev/cpuset/'.$Cpuset_path_job.' && '.                  
                    'oardodo chown -R oar /dev/cpuset/'.$Cpuset_path_job.' && '.              
                    '/bin/echo 0 | cat > /dev/cpuset/'.$Cpuset_path_job.'/notify_on_release && '.                                                                                            
                    '/bin/echo 0 | cat > /dev/cpuset/'.$Cpuset_path_job.'/cpu_exclusive && '. 
                    '/bin/echo '.$mem.' | cat > /dev/cpuset/'.$Cpuset_path_job.'/mems && '.   
                    '/bin/echo '.join(",",@Cpuset_cpus).' | cat > /dev/cpuset/'.$Cpuset_path_job.'/cpus'                                                                                     
            exit_myself(5,"Failed to create and feed the cpuset $Cpuset_path_job");           
    # Copy ssh key files                                                                      
    if ($Cpuset->{ssh_keys}->{private}->{key} ne ""){                                         
        # private key                                                                         
        if (open(PRIV, ">".$Cpuset->{ssh_keys}->{private}->{file_name})){                     
            if (!print(PRIV $Cpuset->{ssh_keys}->{private}->{key})){                          
                exit_myself(8,"Error writing $Cpuset->{ssh_keys}->{private}->{file_name}");   
            if (defined($Cpuset->{job_uid})){                                                 
                system("ln -s $Cpuset->{ssh_keys}->{private}->{file_name} $Cpuset->{oar_tmp_directory}/$Cpuset->{job_user}.jobkey");                                                         
            exit_myself(7,"Error opening $Cpuset->{ssh_keys}->{private}->{file_name}");       
        # public key                                                                          
        if (open(PUB,"+<",$Cpuset->{ssh_keys}->{public}->{file_name})){                       
            flock(PUB,LOCK_EX) or exit_myself(17,"flock failed: $!");                         
            seek(PUB,0,0) or exit_myself(18,"seek failed: $!");                               
            my $out = "\n".$Cpuset->{ssh_keys}->{public}->{key}."\n";                         
            while (<PUB>){                                                                    
                if ($_ =~ /environment=\"OAR_KEY=1\"/){                                       
                    # We are reading a OAR key                                                
                    $_ =~ /(ssh-dss|ssh-rsa)\s+([^\s^\n]+)/;                                  
                    my $oar_key = $2;                                                         
                    $Cpuset->{ssh_keys}->{public}->{key} =~ /(ssh-dss|ssh-rsa)\s+([^\s^\n]+)/;
                    my $curr_key = $2;                                                        
                    if ($curr_key eq $oar_key){                                               
                        exit_myself(13,"ERROR: the user has specified the same ssh key than used by the user oar");                                                                          
                    $out .= $_;                                                               
                }elsif ($_ =~ /environment=\"OAR_CPUSET=([\w\/]+)\"/){                        
                    # Remove from authorized keys outdated keys (typically after a reboot)    
                    if (-d "/dev/cpuset/$1"){                                                 
                        $out .= $_;                                                           
                    $out .= $_;                                                               
            if (!(seek(PUB,0,0) and print(PUB $out) and truncate(PUB,tell(PUB)))){            
                exit_myself(9,"Error writing $Cpuset->{ssh_keys}->{public}->{file_name}");    
            flock(PUB,LOCK_UN) or exit_myself(17,"flock failed: $!");                         
            exit_myself(10,"Error opening $Cpuset->{ssh_keys}->{public}->{file_name}");       
}elsif ($ARGV[0] eq "clean"){                                                                 
    # delete ssh key files                                                                    
    if ($Cpuset->{ssh_keys}->{private}->{key} ne ""){                                         
        # private key                                                                         
        if (defined($Cpuset->{job_uid})){                                                     
        # public key                                                                          
        if (open(PUB,"+<", $Cpuset->{ssh_keys}->{public}->{file_name})){                      
            flock(PUB,LOCK_EX) or exit_myself(17,"flock failed: $!");                         
            seek(PUB,0,0) or exit_myself(18,"seek failed: $!");                               
            #Change file on the fly                                                           
            my $out = "";                                                                     
            while (<PUB>){                                                                    
                if (($_ ne "\n") and ($_ ne $Cpuset->{ssh_keys}->{public}->{key})){           
                    $out .= $_;                                                               
            if (!(seek(PUB,0,0) and print(PUB $out) and truncate(PUB,tell(PUB)))){            
                exit_myself(12,"Error changing $Cpuset->{ssh_keys}->{public}->{file_name}");  
            flock(PUB,LOCK_UN) or exit_myself(17,"flock failed: $!");                         
            exit_myself(11,"Error opening $Cpuset->{ssh_keys}->{public}->{file_name}");       
    # Clean cpuset on this node                                                               
    if (defined($Cpuset_path_job)){                                                           
        system('PROCESSES=$(cat /dev/cpuset/'.$Cpuset_path_job.'/tasks)                       
                while [ "$PROCESSES" != "" ]                                                  
                    oardodo kill -9 $PROCESSES                                                
                    PROCESSES=$(cat /dev/cpuset/'.$Cpuset_path_job.'/tasks)                   
        if (system('oardodo rmdir /dev/cpuset'.$Cpuset_path_job)){                            
            # Uncomment this line if you want to use several network_address properties       
            # which are the same physical computer (linux kernel)                             
            exit_myself(6,"Failed to delete the cpuset $Cpuset_path_job");                    
    if (defined($Cpuset->{job_uid})){                                                         
        my $ipcrm_args="";                                                                    
        if (open(IPCMSG,"< /proc/sysvipc/msg")) {                                             
            while (<IPCMSG>) {                                                                
                if (/\s+\d+\s+(\d+)(?:\s+\d+){5}\s+$Cpuset->{job_uid}(?:\s+\d+){6}$/) {       
                    $ipcrm_args .= " -q $1";                                                  
            close (IPCMSG);                                                                   
            exit_myself(14,"Cannot open /proc/sysvipc/msg: $!");                              
        if (open(IPCSHM,"< /proc/sysvipc/shm")) {                                             
            while (<IPCSHM>) {                                                                
                if (/\s+\d+\s+(\d+)(?:\s+\d+){5}\s+$Cpuset->{job_uid}(?:\s+\d+){6}$/) {       
                    $ipcrm_args .= " -m $1";                                                  
            close (IPCSHM);                                                                   
            exit_myself(14,"Cannot open /proc/sysvipc/shm: $!");                              
        if (open(IPCSEM,"< /proc/sysvipc/sem")) {                                             
            while (<IPCSEM>) {                                                                
                if (/\s+\d+\s+(\d+)(?:\s+\d+){2}\s+$Cpuset->{job_uid}(?:\s+\d+){5}$/) {       
                    $ipcrm_args .= " -s $1";                                                  
            close (IPCSEM);
            exit_myself(14,"Cannot open /proc/sysvipc/sem: $!");
        if ($ipcrm_args) {
            print_log(3,"Purging SysV IPC: ipcrm $ipcrm_args");
            if(system("oardodo ipcrm $ipcrm_args")){
                exit_myself(14,"Failed to purge IPC: ipcrm $ipcrm_args");
        print_log(3,"Purging /tmp...");
        #system("oardodo find /tmp/ -user $Cpuset->{job_user} -exec rm -rfv {} \\;");
        system("oardodo find /tmp/. -user $Cpuset->{job_user} -delete");
        system("oardodo /usr/sbin/userdel -f $Cpuset->{job_user}");
    exit_myself(3,"Bad command line argument $ARGV[0]");


# Print error message and exit
sub exit_myself($$){
    my $exit_code = shift;
    my $str = shift;

    warn("[job_resource_manager][$Cpuset->{job_id}][ERROR] ".$str."\n");

# Print log message depending on the LOG_LEVEL config value
sub print_log($$){
    my $l = shift;
    my $str = shift;

    if ($l <= $Log_level){
        print("[job_resource_manager][$Cpuset->{job_id}][DEBUG] $str\n");
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