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See original proposal here

Student, please read carefully this page...

Student: Joris Bremond

Mentor: Joseph Emeras

Co-Mentor: Olivier Richard


Student: Things to do before starting

Project's specifications


  • work with security systems such as Kerberos
  • make the database fault tolerant
  • make the oar server fault tolerant
  • lighter possible
  • well documented and packaged


  • independent from the OAR's code


  • automatic redirection of requests to the database if main db fails over
  • automatic redirection of packets to server if the main server crashes
  • load-balancing

How to start the project

Roadmap (and Timeline)

Official gsoc date: 23rd May to 17th August. Joris availability: 1st June to 28th August. So as the dates almost match, we will stick on the student's availability for the schedule. The last 10 days when gsoc is officially over and not Joris's internship will be reserved for making all the documentation and packaging needed.

Important steps

  • 23 May: Official gsoc start date
  • 1 June: Joris begins his work
  • 6-12 July: mid-term eval
  • 17 August: Official gsoc end date
  • 17-24 August: final eval
  • 28 August: Joris terminates his internship
  • 3 Sept: Students can begin submitting required code samples to Google


Roadmap is available as a picture:

TODO list



Links to look at


then also:



This proposition is based on :

  • HeartBeat is the daemon which make resources hightly available. We can use heartbeat to manage OAR-server and BDD (mysql or postgres)
  • DRBD : Raid1 over IP --> Mirroring on each disk. The DB data will be on this shared disk.


With this solution, heartbeat can detect when an other server is down and lunch services. It can also monitor the different services which run on the server, and detect errors. For example, if a service fails, heartbeat server tries to restart this service. If it's impossible, the group of resources (Virtual IP + DRBD + OAR-server + BDD) are migrated on the backup server.



I have realized a script which takes parameters and install / configure heartbeat and DRBD on two servers. It takes different parameters :

  • Is it the master or slave server
  • Interface, for communicate between the two servers
  • Database type : mysql or postgres. The script can deploy HA in both configurations
  • Size of the database partition
  • Virtual IP and CIDR netmask

Heartbeat communications are encrypted with SHA. We can also encrypt DRBD communications, but currently I haven't do that.

This configuration with the script is OK. We can deploy High Availability solution in 2 different configurations :

  • OAR-server and database on the same server --> 2 nodes (1 master / 1 backup)
  • OAR-server and database on different server --> 4 nodes (2 master (OAR, DB) / 2 backup (OAR, DB))

TO DO --> My work now is to test the configurations 2master/2backup, with 4 nodes for servers, 1 front-end, and N nodes. I must test network crashes, computer shutdown, etc.

Tests :

  • disconnect the network on one nodes
  • crash oar-server service
  • crash mysql service
  • crash mysql servcie when the oar server write on it (difficult)
  • reserve a job, crash oar-server, close the job
  • ...

Test OK The test are pretty good. I have practice test on four different configuration : 2 nodes with postgres or mysql, 4 nodes with postgres or mysql.

Now I begin to write documentations.

  • I also plan the synchronization of oar.log between OAR-servers
  • If I have time, test HA on CentOs distribution

DRBD Benchmark

For know DRBD performance, I have realized different benchmark with mysql for test DRBD performance.

  • without DRBD, mysql data mounted on the system filesystem
  • with DRBD, mysql data mounted on DRBD filesystem
  • with DRBD and saturated network


  • This test was maked on genepi-31.grenoble.grid5000.fr.
  • The backup server (for DRBD) was genepi-32.grenoble.grid5000.fr
  • Filesystem with and without DRBD was ext2
  • The rate between this two node was 740Mo/s (Max)
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