====== Licence ====== **OAR** is [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_software|free software]] licensed under the [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNU_General_Public_License|GNU General Public License]] Version 2 or above. Because OAR is licensed free of charge, there is no warranty, to the extent permitted by applicable law. Read the full text of the [[http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html|GNU GPL version 2]] for details. ====== Latest release ====== See the [[oar_2|OAR 2 versions]] page. ===== Tarball ===== OAR can be installed independently of any distribution packaging mechanism. This can especially be handy if no package is provided for the distribution of your choice. === Download === Tarballs are located here: http://oar-ftp.imag.fr/oar/2.5/sources/stable === Installation === Once the tarball downloaded and unpacked, please read the INSTALL file inside for instructions about how to proceed to the installation. ===== Debian ===== === Debian official repositories === OAR is shipped in Debian official distribution. As of writing this, the following versions are available: * OAR version [[oar 2.5.10|2.5.10]] is distributed as part of [[https://packages.debian.org/source/trixie/oar|Debian testing Trixie]]. * OAR version [[oar 2.5.9|2.5.9]] is distributed as part of [[https://packages.debian.org/source/bookworm/oar|Debian 12 Bookworm]]. * OAR version [[oar 2.5.9|2.5.9]] is distributed as part of [[https://packages.debian.org/source/bullseye/oar|Debian 11 Bullseye]]. * OAR version [[oar 2.5.8|2.5.8]] is distributed as part of [[https://packages.debian.org/source/buster/oar|Debian 10 Buster]]. * OAR version [[oar 2.5.8|2.5.8]] is distributed as part of [[https://packages.debian.org/source/stretch-backports/oar|Debian 9 Stretch backports]]. * OAR version [[oar 2.5.7|2.5.7]] is distributed as part of [[https://packages.debian.org/source/stretch/oar|Debian 9 Stretch]]. * OAR version [[oar 2.5.7|2.5.7]] is distributed as part of [[https://packages.debian.org/source/jessie-backports/oar|Debian 8 Jessie backports]]. * OAR version [[oar 2.5.4|2.5.4]] is distributed as part of [[https://packages.debian.org/source/jessie/oar|Debian 8 Jessie]]. * OAR version [[oar 2.5.7|2.5.7]] is distributed as part of [[https://packages.debian.org/source/wheezy-backports/oar|Debian 7 Wheezy backports]]. * OAR version [[oar 2.5.2|2.5.2]] is distributed as part of [[https://packages.debian.org/source/wheezy/oar|Debian 7 Wheezy]]. Up to date list on [[https://packages.debian.org/search?keywords=oar&searchon=sourcenames&exact=1&suite=all§ion=all|Debian packages site]]. OAR is also part of Debian derivative distributions, such as [[https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/oar|Ubuntu]]. === Installation === See: * [[Documentation]] * [[wiki:Using OAR on Debian based systems]] (wiki page opened to contributions) ===== RPMs ===== RPM packages are provided for OAR, for distribution based on **RedHat Enterprise Linux 6 or 7**. E.g.: * [[http://www.redhat.com/products/enterprise-linux|RHEL]] * [[https://www.centos.org|CentOS]] * [[https://www.scientificlinux.org|Scientific Linux]] For newer versions of RHEL or relatives, contributions are welcome to provide new RPMs. === EPEL repository setup === OAR uses packages from the [[http://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL|Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux (EPEL) ]] repository. To add the Epel repository to your yum configuration, please run the following command: $ yum install epel-release Or read [[https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/EPEL#How_can_I_use_these_extra_packages.3F|this page]]. === OAR repository setup === OAR can be installed using yum. Please run the following command as root to setup OAR repository: $ DISTRO="cento6" # or DISTRO="centos7" $ cat < /etc/yum.repos.d/OAR.repo [OAR] name=OAR baseurl=http://oar-ftp.imag.fr/oar/2.5/rpm/$DISTRO/stable/ gpgcheck=1 gpgkey=http://oar-ftp.imag.fr/oar/oarmaster.asc enabled=0 EOF NB: with this configuration, OAR repository is not activated by defaut. This is done on purpose, in order to prevent unwanted upgrades. To use the OAR repository, one must use the **yum** command with ''--enablerepo=OAR''. === Installation === See: * [[Documentation]] * [[wiki:Using OAR on RedHat based systems]] (wiki page opened to contributions) ====== Development releases, and release candidates ====== ===== Tarballs ===== Tarballs of release candidates and new versions of OAR are push to: http://oar-ftp.imag.fr/oar/2.5/sources/testing/ ===== Debian packages ===== OAR development versions or release candidates may not be uploaded to Debian official repositories, but are usually distributed via our dedicated repository hosted at [[http://oar-ftp.imag.fr/oar/debian/dists/|oar-ftp.imag.fr]]. === OAR repository key setup === To use this repository, you first need to install the repository key: $ wget -q http://oar-ftp.imag.fr/oar/oarmaster.asc -O- | apt-key add - === OAR repository setup === See the following URL, to find out what distributions are available: **http://oar-ftp.imag.fr/oar/2.5/debian/dists/** For instance, to use the sid_beta distribution (beta packages for Debian Sid), run the following command as root: $ cat <<'EOF' > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/oar.list deb http://oar-ftp.imag.fr/oar/debian/ sid_beta main EOF ===== Centos packages ===== Centos packages for release candidates or new versions of OAR are pushed to our testing repository. One can add it to its yum repositories as follows: $ cat <<'EOF' > /etc/yum.repos.d/OAR-testing.repo [OAR-testing] name=OAR-testing baseurl=http://oar-ftp.imag.fr/oar/2.5/rpm/centos6/testing/ gpgcheck=1 gpgkey=http://oar-ftp.imag.fr/oar/oarmaster.asc enabled=0 EOF And use the **yum** command with ''--enablerepo=OAR-testing''. ====== Development code base ====== ===== On GitHub ===== OAR sources repository is on Github: https://github.com/oar-team/oar === Read-only access === $ git clone git://github.com/oar-team/oar.git === Developper access === $ git clone git@github.com:oar-team/oar.git