====== OAR documentation ====== Please understand that the documentation provided here, even the **users documentation**, targets administrators of infrastructures using OAR, **NOT final users**. Since OAR allows many customizations, making any installation very specific (resources definition, job queues and scheduling policies, job admission rules, job types, etc.), ** users of any infrastructure (e.g. an HPC cluster) managed by OAR are advised to refer to the documentation of their infrastructure **, which hopefully provides some more relevant information regarding their usage of OAR. Having considered the above note. please find the general documentation of OAR 2.5 at: * **[[https://oar.imag.fr/docs/2.5]]** Please, see also the release notes for the **[[oar_2|OAR 2 version]]**. And also the **man pages** of the OAR commands (readable from any command line terminal). Finally, see also the **tips** presented **in this page in the following section** ====== Other tips and howtos ====== //This section aims at gathering additional contributions to the documentation. Please feel free to create your account on this website and request the wiki contributor access to the [[contacts#how_to_contribute|OAR team]], if you would like to help with the content.// ---- * Installation of OAR * [[wiki:Using OAR on Debian based systems]] * [[wiki:Using OAR on Redhat based systems]] * [[wiki:oar-docker|Building a virtual cluster using Docker]] * [[wiki:oar-vagrant|Testing OAR's installation using Vagrant]] * [[wiki:Example of setup with OAR energy saving mechanism]] * Configuration * [[wiki:customization_tips|Some customization tips]] * [[wiki:Green computing]] * Database management * [[wiki:Migration from a Mysql to a PostgreSQL database]] * [[wiki:How to handle a bigger and bigger OAR database]] * Resources setup * [[wiki:About the job resources manager]] * [[wiki:Using Hyperthreading on nodes]] * [[wiki:managing_resources_cpu_gpu|Managing resources (CPU, GPU, ...)]] * [[wiki:Multi-cluster with priority]] * [[wiki:disk_reservation|Coupling disk and compute resources]] * Job admission rules * [[wiki:Custom admission rules]] * [[wiki:Some examples of admission rules]] * [[wiki:Developing admission rules]] * Job types * [[wiki:Job types|More info on job types]] * User interface and APIs * [[wiki:todos:Use OAR Restful API with FastCGI and Ident on CentOS6]] * [[wiki:OAR DRMAA interface]] * Administration tasks * [[wiki:Useful commands and administration tasks]] * Job execution * [[wiki:Job event notifications]] * [[wiki:An equivalent to Slurm's srun for OAR]] * [[wiki:Passing environment variables to OpenMPI nodes]] * [[wiki:CRIU|Using CRIU for the job checkpointing]] * [[wiki:coupling oarsh_with_gnu_parallel_to_mimic_salloc_srun|Coupling oarsh with GNU Parallel]] * [[wiki:gvirt|gvirt - make OAR jobs execute code in VMs]] * Misc * [[wiki:Testing]] * [[wiki:Use cases and user tips]] * [[wiki:About the General Data Protection Regulation]] ====== External documentation ====== //This section lists documentation of platforms that use OAR as their resources and tasks manager and provides documentation pages for usage of OAR (to their users). **Warning:** These documentations have platform-specific information, which may not be relevant for other OAR installations (OAR is very customizable !).// * Igrida's tutorial: http://igrida.gforge.inria.fr/tutorial.html * Grid'5000's documentation: * https://www.grid5000.fr/w/Advanced_OAR * https://www.grid5000.fr/w/Unmaintained:OAR2 (Grid'5000 account required, page is deprecated) * https://www.grid5000.fr/mediawiki/index.php/OAR2_use_cases (Grid'5000 account required, page is deprecated) * ULHPC's documentation: * https://hpc.uni.lu/users/docs/oar.html * https://hpc.uni.lu/users/docs/scheduler.html * Ciment's tutorial: https://ciment.ujf-grenoble.fr/wiki/index.php/OAR_tutorial //Please let us know ([[oar-users@inria.fr]]) if you want to contribute to OAR by having the documentation of your platform referenced here as well! It would be very welcome.// ====== Related tools documentation ====== //This section lists some known companion tools for OAR, please feel free to [[mailto:oar-users@gforge.inria.fr|let us know]] if you wish us to add a tool you develop to that list.// * [[http://kadeploy3.gforge.inria.fr/|Kadeploy3]] is an efficient and scalable and reliable cluster deployment tool that can be coupled with OAR (deploy job type) * [[http://taktuk.gforge.inria.fr/|TakTuk]] is a powerful parallel remote execution tool, which can be used in OAR. * [[http://cigri.imag.fr/|Cigri]] is a lightweight grid middleware designed to run on top of a set of OAR clusters to manage more efficiently large sets of multi-parametric tasks (also called bag-of-tasks). * [[https://www.gnu.org/software/parallel|GNU Parallel]] can run a batch of parallel tasks in an OAR job (more documentation [[https://www.grid5000.fr/w/GNU_Parallel|here]]). * [[https://jobqueue.dask.org/en/latest/generated/dask_jobqueue.OARCluster.html|Dask-jobqueue]] (more documentation [[https://www.grid5000.fr/w/Dask-jobqueue|here]]). * [[https://nipype.readthedocs.io|Nypipe]] (more documentation [[https://www.grid5000.fr/w/Nipype|here]]) * [[https://github.com/facebookincubator/submitit|Submitit]] (more documentation [[https://www.grid5000.fr/w/Submitit|here]])